An app to manage, swapping, backup and apply mods to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
Release page
Check back for latest releases
- Organize, keep track of available and applied mods
- Add, remove single/multiple items or mods
- Swapping mods to another items (excludes emotes. motions)
- Apply entire mod, or single .ice file
- Mod sets, save mods into sets to apply later
- Backup originals from the game, restore when unapplying mods
- Auto apply checksum and reapply mods if they are being unapply after game update
- Preview mods by hovering mouse cursor on them, and right click to zoom on an image (if there are images [.jpg, .png] or videos [.mp4, .webm] included inside the mod)
- Search (any keyword, even .ice file names)
- Organize mods into Favorite, Set List
and more..
Restore the game files to their originals before using the app
App's settings (light\dark mode, pso2_bin path, ect) are stored in:
C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\PSO2NGS Mod Manager\shared_preferences.json
Mod files settings are stored in:
...\PSO2 Mod Manager\PSO2ModManModsList.json
If the app started as a blank white screen, resizing it would fix this issue.
If the app wont start or crashing on start:
Right click on PSO2NGSModManager.exe > Properties > Compatibility tab > Check the box under Compatibility mode > Apply
First time setup:
Export mods:
Import mods:
Adding mods:
- Supporting .zip files (.rar and .7z in v2.6.0), folders, .ice files, drag and drop to add
- Mods can also be added by copying your mod folders into each category folder in
...\PSO2 Mod Manager\Mods
then refresh or restart the app
Applying - unapplying mod(s):
Add Mods to Sets:
Add Mods from 1 item to another:
Vital Gauge backgrounds change:
Drag & drop won't work if app is running with Administrator
More improvements and features
Flutter and various libraries from
Found a bug? Leave a message here
Made by キス★ (KizKizz)
I'm not taking any responsibility if your game files messed up