Releases: KizKizz/pso2_mod_manager
PSO2NGS Mod Manager v2.7.8
An app to manage, swap items, backup and apply mods to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
.NET 6.0 is required for the app to be correctly functional Download .NET 6.0 Here
Patch notes:
- Mod Manager now automatically backing up all mod settings once a day on the very first launch and up to 7 days before overwriting
- Added a button in Settings to manually backup mod settings and a button to open the backup folder
- Fixed a bug where return button on bounding radius popup being greyed out
- More bug fixes
- MOD ManagerがすべてのMOD設定を自動的にバックアップするようになった
- MODの設定を手動でバックアップするためのボタンと、バックアップフォルダを開くためのボタンを設定に追加
- 境界半径ポップアップの戻るボタンがグレーアウトしていたバグを修正
- その他のバグ修正
- If the app started as a blank white screen, resizing it would fix this issue.
- If you encounter infinite loading when applying mods, close the app and run it as admin then try again. However, this would prevent you to add mods through drag and drop, to be able add mods with drag and drop you must run the app without admin.
- If general path errors try to reset the app's setting by deleting the following file in
C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\AppData\Roaming\PSO2NGS Mod Manager\shared_preferences.json
- Some antivirus software might flag the app as unsafe. These are false positives.
- If you are experiencing slow startup or freezes, adjust
Startup Item Icons Fetching
option inSettings
Off:completely turn off icons fetching on startup (fastest startup time)
Minimal:Only fetch one icon for each item if possible (reasonable startup time)
All:Fetch all possible icons of all the variants that tied to each item (slowest, might freeze during the process with large amount of mods)
- Leave a message in the issues page or DM me in the modding discord if you encounter any unresolved issue.
- How to use
- Windows:
Quick guides:
- Export mods:
- Import mods:
- Add Mods:
- Apply Mods:
- Add Mods to Sets:
- Swap mods to another item:
- Vital Gauge backgrounds change:
PSO2NGS Mod Manager v2.7.7
An app to manage, swap items, backup and apply mods to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
.NET 6.0 is required for the app to be correctly functional Download .NET 6.0 Here
Patch notes:
- Added support for weapons and camos (recognizes when adding, weapons-camos swapping)
- More bug fixes
- 武器とカモのサポートを追加(追加時の認識、武器とカモのスワップ)
- その他のバグ修正
- If the app started as a blank white screen, resizing it would fix this issue.
- If you encounter infinite loading when applying mods, close the app and run it as admin then try again. However, this would prevent you to add mods through drag and drop, to be able add mods with drag and drop you must run the app without admin.
- If general path errors try to reset the app's setting by deleting the following file in
C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\AppData\Roaming\PSO2NGS Mod Manager\shared_preferences.json
- Some antivirus software might flag the app as unsafe. These are false positives.
- If you are experiencing slow startup or freezes, adjust
Startup Item Icons Fetching
option inSettings
Off:completely turn off icons fetching on startup (fastest startup time)
Minimal:Only fetch one icon for each item if possible (reasonable startup time)
All:Fetch all possible icons of all the variants that tied to each item (slowest, might freeze during the process with large amount of mods)
- Leave a message in the issues page or DM me in the modding discord if you encounter any unresolved issue.
- How to use
- Windows:
Quick guides:
- Export mods:
- Import mods:
- Add Mods:
- Apply Mods:
- Add Mods to Sets:
- Swap mods to another item:
- Vital Gauge backgrounds change:
PSO2NGS Mod Manager v2.7.6
An app to manage, swap items, backup and apply mods to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
.NET 6.0 is required for the app to be correctly functional Download .NET 6.0 Here
Patch notes:
- Added support for weapons and camos (recognizes when adding, weapons-camos swapping)
- More bug fixes
- 武器とカモのサポートを追加(追加時の認識、武器とカモのスワップ)
- その他のバグ修正
- If the app started as a blank white screen, resizing it would fix this issue.
- If you encounter infinite loading when applying mods, close the app and run it as admin then try again. However, this would prevent you to add mods through drag and drop, to be able add mods with drag and drop you must run the app without admin.
- If general path errors try to reset the app's setting by deleting the following file in
C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\AppData\Roaming\PSO2NGS Mod Manager\shared_preferences.json
- Some antivirus software might flag the app as unsafe. These are false positives.
- If you are experiencing slow startup or freezes, adjust
Startup Item Icons Fetching
option inSettings
Off:completely turn off icons fetching on startup (fastest startup time)
Minimal:Only fetch one icon for each item if possible (reasonable startup time)
All:Fetch all possible icons of all the variants that tied to each item (slowest, might freeze during the process with large amount of mods)
- Leave a message in the issues page or DM me in the modding discord if you encounter any unresolved issue.
- How to use
- Windows:
Quick guides:
- Export mods:
- Import mods:
- Add Mods:
- Apply Mods:
- Add Mods to Sets:
- Swap mods to another item:
- Vital Gauge backgrounds change:
PSO2NGS Mod Manager v2.7.5
An app to manage, swap items, backup and apply mods to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
.NET 6.0 is required for the app to be correctly functional Download .NET 6.0 Here
Patch notes:
- More bug fixes
- その他のバグ修正
- If the app started as a blank white screen, resizing it would fix this issue.
- If you encounter infinite loading when applying mods, close the app and run it as admin then try again. However, this would prevent you to add mods through drag and drop, to be able add mods with drag and drop you must run the app without admin.
- If general path errors try to reset the app's setting by deleting the following file in
C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\AppData\Roaming\PSO2NGS Mod Manager\shared_preferences.json
- Some antivirus software might flag the app as unsafe. These are false positives.
- If you are experiencing slow startup or freezes, adjust
Startup Item Icons Fetching
option inSettings
Off:completely turn off icons fetching on startup (fastest startup time)
Minimal:Only fetch one icon for each item if possible (reasonable startup time)
All:Fetch all possible icons of all the variants that tied to each item (slowest, might freeze during the process with large amount of mods)
- Leave a message in the issues page or DM me in the modding discord if you encounter any unresolved issue.
- How to use
- Windows:
Quick guides:
- Export mods:
- Import mods:
- Add Mods:
- Apply Mods:
- Add Mods to Sets:
- Swap mods to another item:
- Vital Gauge backgrounds change:
PSO2NGS Mod Manager v2.7.4
An app to manage, swap items, backup and apply mods to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
.NET 6.0 is required for the app to be correctly functional Download .NET 6.0 Here
Patch notes:
- More bug fixes
- その他のバグ修正
- If the app started as a blank white screen, resizing it would fix this issue.
- If you encounter infinite loading when applying mods, close the app and run it as admin then try again. However, this would prevent you to add mods through drag and drop, to be able add mods with drag and drop you must run the app without admin.
- If general path errors try to reset the app's setting by deleting the following file in
C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\AppData\Roaming\PSO2NGS Mod Manager\shared_preferences.json
- Some antivirus software might flag the app as unsafe. These are false positives.
- If you are experiencing slow startup or freezes, adjust
Startup Item Icons Fetching
option inSettings
Off:completely turn off icons fetching on startup (fastest startup time)
Minimal:Only fetch one icon for each item if possible (reasonable startup time)
All:Fetch all possible icons of all the variants that tied to each item (slowest, might freeze during the process with large amount of mods)
- Leave a message in the issues page or DM me in the modding discord if you encounter any unresolved issue.
- How to use
- Windows:
Quick guides:
- Export mods:
- Import mods:
- Add Mods:
- Apply Mods:
- Add Mods to Sets:
- Swap mods to another item:
- Vital Gauge backgrounds change:
PSO2NGS Mod Manager v2.7.3
An app to manage, swap items, backup and apply mods to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
.NET 6.0 is required for the app to be correctly functional Download .NET 6.0 Here
Patch notes:
- Mods preview popup now moved to the right of the tile
- Mark modded item icons in-game option now defaulted to off (Turn this feature off if your mod manager is crashing when applying mod)
- Bug fixes
- MODのプレビュー・ポップアップがタイルの右に移動
- ゲーム内でMODアイテムのアイコンをマークするオプションがデフォルトでオフになりました(MOD適用時にMODマネージャがクラッシュする場合はこの機能をオフにしてください)
- バグフィックス"
- If the app started as a blank white screen, resizing it would fix this issue.
- If you encounter infinite loading when applying mods, close the app and run it as admin then try again. However, this would prevent you to add mods through drag and drop, to be able add mods with drag and drop you must run the app without admin.
- If general path errors try to reset the app's setting by deleting the following file in
C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\AppData\Roaming\PSO2NGS Mod Manager\shared_preferences.json
- Some antivirus software might flag the app as unsafe. These are false positives.
- If you are experiencing slow startup or freezes, adjust
Startup Item Icons Fetching
option inSettings
Off:completely turn off icons fetching on startup (fastest startup time)
Minimal:Only fetch one icon for each item if possible (reasonable startup time)
All:Fetch all possible icons of all the variants that tied to each item (slowest, might freeze during the process with large amount of mods)
- Leave a message in the issues page or DM me in the modding discord if you encounter any unresolved issue.
- How to use
- Windows:
Quick guides:
- Export mods:
- Import mods:
- Add Mods:
- Apply Mods:
- Add Mods to Sets:
- Swap mods to another item:
- Vital Gauge backgrounds change:
PSO2NGS Mod Manager v2.7.2
An app to manage, swap items, backup and apply mods to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
.NET 6.0 is required for the app to be correctly functional Download .NET 6.0 Here
Patch notes:
- Bug fixes for v2.7.1
- v2.7.1のバグフィックス
- Added a feature to mark modded items in-game by adding a mark on their icons. (can be turned on/off in Settings)
- Mod previews now show up next to mod tiles when cursor is hovering over by default
- Old preview panel now hidden by default. Can be turned back on in Settings
- New version update notification now only shows up after everything is loaded
- Mod Manager now checks for internet connection on startup before loading (can be bypassed)
- Updated in-app updater. Will take effect on later updates. Just download from github if you have any problem
- ゲーム内で改造されたアイテムのアイコンにマークを付ける機能を追加。(設定でオン・オフ可能)
- デフォルトで、カーソルをMODタイルの上に置くと、MODプレビューがMODタイルの横に表示されるようになりました
- 旧プレビューパネルがデフォルトで非表示に。設定で元に戻せます
- 新バージョンのアップデート通知は、すべてがロードされた後にのみ表示されるようになりました
- Mod Managerが起動時にインターネット接続をチェックしてからロードするようになりました
- アプリ内アップデータを更新しました。後のアップデートで有効になります。問題があればgithubからダウンロードしてください"
- If the app started as a blank white screen, resizing it would fix this issue.
- If you encounter infinite loading when applying mods, close the app and run it as admin then try again. However, this would prevent you to add mods through drag and drop, to be able add mods with drag and drop you must run the app without admin.
- If general path errors try to reset the app's setting by deleting the following file in
C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\AppData\Roaming\PSO2NGS Mod Manager\shared_preferences.json
- Some antivirus software might flag the app as unsafe. These are false positives.
- If you are experiencing slow startup or freezes, adjust
Startup Item Icons Fetching
option inSettings
Off:completely turn off icons fetching on startup (fastest startup time)
Minimal:Only fetch one icon for each item if possible (reasonable startup time)
All:Fetch all possible icons of all the variants that tied to each item (slowest, might freeze during the process with large amount of mods)
- Leave a message in the issues page or DM me in the modding discord if you encounter any unresolved issue.
- How to use
- Windows:
Quick guides:
- Export mods:
- Import mods:
- Add Mods:
- Apply Mods:
- Add Mods to Sets:
- Swap mods to another item:
- Vital Gauge backgrounds change:
PSO2NGS Mod Manager v2.7.1
An app to manage, swap items, backup and apply mods to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
.NET 6.0 is required for the app to be correctly functional Download .NET 6.0 Here
Patch notes:
- Added a feature to mark modded items in-game by adding a mark on their icons. (can be turned on/off in Settings)
- Mod previews now show up next to mod tiles when cursor is hovering over by default
- Old preview panel now hidden by default. Can be turned back on in Settings
- New version update notification now only shows up after everything is loaded
- Mod Manager now checks for internet connection on startup before loading (can be bypassed)
- Updated in-app updater. Will take effect on later updates. Just download from github if you have any problem
- ゲーム内で改造されたアイテムのアイコンにマークを付ける機能を追加。(設定でオン・オフ可能)
- デフォルトで、カーソルをMODタイルの上に置くと、MODプレビューがMODタイルの横に表示されるようになりました
- 旧プレビューパネルがデフォルトで非表示に。設定で元に戻せます
- 新バージョンのアップデート通知は、すべてがロードされた後にのみ表示されるようになりました
- Mod Managerが起動時にインターネット接続をチェックしてからロードするようになりました
- アプリ内アップデータを更新しました。後のアップデートで有効になります。問題があればgithubからダウンロードしてください"
- If the app started as a blank white screen, resizing it would fix this issue.
- If you encounter infinite loading when applying mods, close the app and run it as admin then try again. However, this would prevent you to add mods through drag and drop, to be able add mods with drag and drop you must run the app without admin.
- If general path errors try to reset the app's setting by deleting the following file in
C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\AppData\Roaming\PSO2NGS Mod Manager\shared_preferences.json
- Some antivirus software might flag the app as unsafe. These are false positives.
- If you are experiencing slow startup or freezes, adjust
Startup Item Icons Fetching
option inSettings
Off:completely turn off icons fetching on startup (fastest startup time)
Minimal:Only fetch one icon for each item if possible (reasonable startup time)
All:Fetch all possible icons of all the variants that tied to each item (slowest, might freeze during the process with large amount of mods)
- Leave a message in the issues page or DM me in the modding discord if you encounter any unresolved issue.
- How to use
- Windows:
Quick guides:
- Export mods:
- Import mods:
- Add Mods:
- Apply Mods:
- Add Mods to Sets:
- Swap mods to another item:
- Vital Gauge backgrounds change:
PSO2NGS Mod Manager v2.7.0
An app to manage, swap items, backup and apply mods to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
.NET 6.0 is required for the app to be correctly functional Download .NET 6.0 Here
Patch notes:
- Switched to a new item database
- Overhauled some core systems
- 新しいアイテム・データベースに変更
- いくつかの基幹システムをオーバーホール
- If the app started as a blank white screen, resizing it would fix this issue.
- If you encounter infinite loading when applying mods, close the app and run it as admin then try again. However, this would prevent you to add mods through drag and drop, to be able add mods with drag and drop you must run the app without admin.
- If general path errors try to reset the app's setting by deleting the following file in
C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\AppData\Roaming\PSO2NGS Mod Manager\shared_preferences.json
- Some antivirus software might flag the app as unsafe. These are false positives.
- If you are experiencing slow startup or freezes, adjust
Startup Item Icons Fetching
option inSettings
Off:completely turn off icons fetching on startup (fastest startup time)
Minimal:Only fetch one icon for each item if possible (reasonable startup time)
All:Fetch all possible icons of all the variants that tied to each item (slowest, might freeze during the process with large amount of mods)
- Leave a message in the issues page or DM me in the modding discord if you encounter any unresolved issue.
- How to use
- Windows:
Quick guides:
- Export mods:
- Import mods:
- Add Mods:
- Apply Mods:
- Add Mods to Sets:
- Swap mods to another item:
- Vital Gauge backgrounds change:
PSO2NGS Mod Manager v2.6.12
An app to manage, swap items, backup and apply mods to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
.NET 6.0 is required for the app to be correctly functional Download .NET 6.0 Here
Patch notes:
- Added item icons to swapping item lists in both mod swapper and item swapper
- Some bug fixes
- MODスワッパーとアイテムスワッパーのスワッピングアイテムリストにアイテムアイコンを追加
- いくつかのバグ修正
- If the app started as a blank white screen, resizing it would fix this issue.
- If you encounter infinite loading when applying mods, close the app and run it as admin then try again. However, this would prevent you to add mods through drag and drop, to be able add mods with drag and drop you must run the app without admin.
- If general path errors try to reset the app's setting by deleting the following file in
C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\AppData\Roaming\PSO2NGS Mod Manager\shared_preferences.json
- Some antivirus software might flag the app as unsafe. These are false positives.
- If you are experiencing slow startup or freezes, adjust
Startup Item Icons Fetching
option inSettings
Off:completely turn off icons fetching on startup (fastest startup time)
Minimal:Only fetch one icon for each item if possible (reasonable startup time)
All:Fetch all possible icons of all the variants that tied to each item (slowest, might freeze during the process with large amount of mods)
- Leave a message in the issues page or DM me in the modding discord if you encounter any unresolved issue.
- How to use
- Windows:
Quick guides:
- Export mods:
- Import mods:
- Add Mods:
- Apply Mods:
- Add Mods to Sets:
- Swap mods to another item:
- Vital Gauge backgrounds change: