This code requires python (tested with python 3.76) and ffmpeg installed. I strongly recommend installing ffmpeg to C:\src\ffmpeg-4.2.2-wind64-dev as there are some hard-coded imports of skvideo. Otherwise, update the top of to point to your install location.
cd REPO_dir
pip install -r requirements.txt
The notebooks have been tested with Jupyter Lab.
+ analytical "raw" data from the phantom study
./data/clarius phantom study-202003308
+ the 50 video phantom dataset as .mp4
+ executing python `` will process the entire phantom dataset (this generates gigs of data)
+ data for loading the .mp4 files from an clarius ultrasound
+ utility for managing paths in the dataset
+ main code file
./python/Phantom Study.ipynb
+ some examples and creates the main figures and analysis in the paper
./Eye Mold v3.stl
+ The 3D-printed mold referenced in the paper.
Contact or post an issue on github.