Still have a dream、
Front End Developer | Chinese | Working in Tokyo now
Santiago Bazan
Passionate WP/WEB Dev. about building great things for great clients. Loves to travel and explore the world around him, all of this while working remotely.
Wenli Zhang
GitHub Star; Apache Member; Apache ECharts VP;
Passionate Dataviz Developer & Creative Designer
Shanghai, China
Xuan Huang (黄玄)
@lynx-family. Redefining Interfaces · Software Dreamer. Formerly @reactjs, React Native, Hermes, Reason.
[ByteDance, Meta, ...China] [NY, CA, ...China]
Anurag Hazra
❤️ TypeScript Wizard
❄ Reactjs Magician
🎨 Design Systems
@razorpay India, West Bengal