A website displaying scores submitted by different players. It also allows users to add their score. The main goal of this project was to be able to deal with API and play with promises and async/await.
This project was divided into three (3) parts. Refer to the corresponding branch. The branch in bold is the one I am working on.
- Basic markup
- API manipulations
- Final touches: styling
Here is the link to the live version of this project: See it live
To get a local copy of this project, do the following:
- In your terminal,
to the folder where you want to copy this project. - Still in your terminal, type
- Run
cd leaderboard
- Run
npm install && npm start
- If your browser doesn't open automatically, open it manually and type
in the URL bar.
💻 Desktop version
📱 Mobile version
👤 King Josaphat Chewa (KJC)
- GitHub: @Kingjosh007
- Twitter: @KingJoChewa
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Heartfelt thanks to Microverse
- Hat tip to Sime Basioli whose image was used from Unsplash
This project is MIT licensed.