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My overly optimized solutions of Project Euler problems, focused on math algorithms and code efficiency

ID Problem Solution
1 Multiples of 3 and 5 C
2 Even Fibonacci numbers C
3 Largest prime factor C
4 Largest palindrome product C
5 Smallest multiple C
6 Sum square difference C
7 10001st prime C
8 Largest product in a series C
9 Special Pythagorean triplet C
10 Summation of primes C
11 Largest product in a grid C
12 Highly divisible triangular number C
13 Large sum C

Performance improvements and suggestions can be submitted here.

Every implementation must be:

  • Parameterized: the problem inputs must be defined at compile time
  • Deterministic: one input results in the same output every run
  • Non-trivial: there can be no unexplained values in the code
  • Efficient: every microsecond, bit and joule matters


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