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Event Booster

EventBooster is a web application developed for searching events globally. It is designed to cater to users who are active in attending concerts, plays, and various events. This app does not have age restrictions, offering a wide range of events including children's shows, concerts of different music genres, plays, and shows.


This project was developed as part of a programming course, in collaboration with other students. It focuses on providing a comprehensive event search tool for users worldwide.

Main Features

Homepage Rendering: Initially displays events happening in Canada. Event Search: Users can search for events by name or artist. Country Filter: Allows searching for events in a specific country. Event Details: Clicking an event card opens a modal with full event information, including ticket purchasing options. Related Events: A feature to explore other events related to a selected artist. Pagination: Conveniently switch between pages of event listings. Theme Toggle: Option to switch between light and dark themes. Navigation: Easy scrolling to the top of the page and navigation to the home page via the logo. Responsive Design

The web application is fully responsive, ensuring a seamless user experience across various devices. It incorporates the following breakpoints:

Mobile: 320px Tablet: 768px Desktop: 1280px This responsive design approach ensures that the site is accessible and user-friendly on a wide range of devices, from mobile phones to desktop computers.

Technology Stack

Frontend: HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript Backend: Node.js Utilities: VSCode, Parcel, Figma, Git/GitHub, Trello

Project Structure

UI: Background, Header, Search input, Select input, Event cards, Pagination, Modal, Buttons, Footer JavaScript: Search input functionality, Country filter functionality, Render events list on load, Events list pagination, Show modal on click by event, “More from this author” button functionality, Scroll to top button You can view the project presentation at this link.

Collaborators – team lead, frontend developer – scrum master, frontend developer – frontend developer – frontend developer – frontend developer – frontend developer