List of awesome stuff for Playstation Vita. Contains all most important, actual and cool things in my humble opinion.
- ✅ Main Links
- ⚙️ Basic Stuff
- 🎮 Games
- 🕹️ Emulators
- 💡 Customization
- 🗝 Input
- 🎨 Appearance
- 🎞️ Media
- 🔆 Enhances
- 🛠️ Mods
- 🧰 Tools
- 🗺️ Guides
♥️ Fans- 🍂 Miscellaneous
- VitaDB - Main database of PS Vita Homebrews, Plugins and PC Tools
- NoPayStation - List of PSV, PSX, PSP, PS3, PS2 and PSM game links
- Brewology - Yet another homebrew source for PS Vita and other consoles
- HENlo - Homebrew enabler auto installer for firmwares 3.65 - 3.74 (without a PC or Sony PS Vita Memory Card)
- Final h-encore² - Homebrew enabler auto installer for firmwares 3.60 - 3.74
- HENkaku - Homebrew enabler for firmware 3.60
- Enso_Ex - Jailbreak and CFW loader for PlayStation Vita/TV 3.65
- Project Amber - Homebrew enabler for firmwares 3.65 - 3.74 with SD2VITA (without Sony PS Vita Memory Card)
- MLTHaku - Homebrew enabler for firmware 3.60 with SD2VITA (without Sony PS Vita Memory Card)
- Modoru - Firmware downgrader
- 0syscall6 - Remove SELF checks (allows play games on lower firmwares)
- NoNpDrm - Disable DRM protection in games
- NoTrpDrm - Trophies for homebrews
- NoPSPEmuDRM - Bypass DRM Check in PspEmu
- NoPsmDrm - Disable DRM protection in PSM games
- FreePSM - Free in app purchases in PSM games
- rePatch reLoaded - Allows to install custom patches
- vshPatch - Like rePatch, but for system applications
- ioPlus - Elevated IO permissions
- psp2hfw - Hybrid Firmware toolset for Playstation Vita (Dual firmware)
- VitaDB Downloader - Official client for VitaDB by Rinnegatamante
- VitaShell - File manager
- PKGj - NoPayStation browser and installer
- Autoplugin 2 - Plugin browser and installer
- rePatch-Manager - Tool to enable and disable specific rePatch game
- Better Homebrew Browser - VitaDB browser and installer
- EasyVPK - VitaDB browser and installer
- vita-savemgr - Savegame manager
- hbRedirect - Redirects ux0 usage to other partitions
- reAuth - Use PlayStation Store and sign-in on 3.60-3.65
- PlayStation Mini Store - Fast text UI store app for Vita and PS3 stores
- RIF Ripper - License backup tool for purchased digital content for PSP, PS3, PS Vita
- VBackup - Advanced backup tool for PS Vita
- Apps for 3.74 - Main apps with 3.74 support by RealYoti
- RepoHub - View Github users, repos, and releases
- PSVita-StorageMgr - Mounts/redirects storage devices to mount points
- yamt-vita - Yet another (re)mount tool kernel plugin
- yamt-lite - Yamt that doesn't rely on a mounted storage or config
- IMCUnlock - Internal ux storage enabler/manager
- EmergencyMount - A pseudo recovery menu
- Application Storage Manager - Moves apps to/from internal memory
- SD2VITA - Game card to MicroSD adapter
- PSVSD - 3G modem replacement to a USB MicroSD card adapter
- Gamecard-microSD (SD2VITA) - Gamecard to MicroSD adapter driver
- usbmc - Driver for PSVSD and external USB storage
- Wiki Game List - Wikipedia list of all PS Vita games
- Metacritic List - All PS Vita game releases at Metacritic
- Exclusives List - List of PS Vita exclusives
- PlayStation Vita undumped - List of undumped games
- VitaDB - A collection of ports, emulators and original games
- VitaGL Games - List of projects using VitaGL
- Lua Games - List of projects using Lua Player Plus
- Some Visual Novel - VNDS Clone games for Vita
- PSM Reborn - PSM games list
- RetroArch - Frontend for emulators, game engines and media players with bunch of cores
- Cores List - List of RetroArch Cores for Vita
- Recommended Cores - Best cores for Vita
- pFBN - Several Arcade and Console systems emulator
- Adrenaline - Allows you to run natively PlayStation Portable (PSP) games on Vita
- NooDS - Multiplatform DS/GBA emulator (slow on Vita)
- DeSmuME-Vita - DeSmuME port for Vita (slow)
- MelonDS-Vita - Nintendo DS emulator (slow)
- Flycast-vita - Sega Dreamcast emulator
- mGBA - Nintendo Game Boy Advance emulator
- Adrenaline - Allows you to run natively PlayStation One games as on PSP (PSX2PSP might be helpful)
- DaedalusX64-vitaGL - Nintendo 64 emulator (Nightly)
- Basilisk II - Apple Macintosh II emulator
- UAE4ALL - Amiga emulator
- UniPCemu - Intel 8086 - Pentium II emulator
- VICEVita - Commodore 64 emulator
- ZXVita - Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator
- Godot - Godot engine with included support for PS Vita
- ScummVM - Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion Virtual Machine
- GemRB - Infinity Engine reimplementation (Game Engine Made with preRendered Background)
- EasyRPG Player - Interpreter for RPG Maker 2000, 2003 and EasyRPG engines
- OpenBOR - Beats Of Rage 2D game engine
- renpy-vita - Visual novel engine Ren'Py
- Flare Vita - Flare RPG engine
- cpython-vita - Python 2.7.18 Interpreter
- fake-08 - PICO-8 virtual machine emulator
- MicroCHIP - Interpreter for CHIP-8/SCHIP-8 games
- VITA-8 - CHIP-8 emulator
- PSPKVM - Java ME emulator for PSP (analog for RetroArch SquirrelJME core)
- Adrenaline - Actually not an emulator
- YoYo Loader Vita - Android GameMaker Studio Runner application for the PS Vita (Log Reset)
- vita2hos - A PlayStation Vita to Horizon OS (Nintendo Switch OS) translation layer
- linux_vita - Linux kernel Vita port
- Vita3K - PlayStation Vita emulator
- vita-shellbat - Shows battery percent in statusbar
- VITABatteryPlus - Battery info plugin
- PSV-VSH-Menu - Visual SHell menu for PS Vita
- BetterTrackPlug - Playtime tracker plugin for PS Vita
- Quietshot - Disables camera shutter sound
- Jav - Automatic volume level switching for each audio device
- PasteUnlock - Unlocks hidden copy/paste feature in system software
- Staybright - Disable screen auto-dimming but retain auto-suspend
- vitabright - Expand bright levels range
- dt2s-vita - Puts your PS VITA to sleep if you double tap the touch screen
- TransparentImpose - Makes impose menu transparent
- ShaRKBR33D - One-click extractor/installer of libshacccg.suprx
- VitaTweaks - A collection of small tweaks
- - Online set of useful PS Vita tools
- VitaTools - Useful tools for PSP2 Vita and Dolce
- CbpsDB - Alternative source for PS Vita Homebrew apps and Plugins
- Homebrew Software - Another homebrew list
- GameBrew - Yet another homebrew list
- iTLS-Enso - Adds TLS v1.2 and custom web certificates support
- Vita netcheck Bypass - Bypass PSN login requirement for apps
- accountswitcher - Switch between your PSN accounts on your Vita
- Download Enabler - Allows download any files from PS Vita browser
- Multidownload Vita - Advanced downloader app
- ezRemote Client - FTP, SMB, NFS, WebDAV client
- NPS Proxy - Preventing HTTPS errors in PKGj by using NPS proxy
- UserAgentSpoofer - Changes what device the browser/web page sees your vita as
- Vita generic RTL enabler - Allows to use pc usb-ethernet rtl8152 dongle on vita
- ShaRKF00D - Allows you to access runtime shader compiler (for AvP Gold)
- kubridge - DynaRec feature extender for VitaGL games
- FdFix - Fixes invalidated file descriptors after suspend and resume (for re3-vita)
- PSP2-batteryFixer - Fixes most battery related problems
- USBDisable - Disable the annoying "Connecting" dialog when you connect your Vita to your PC
- Adrenaline usb enabler - Enable USB pairing between Adrenaline and PS2/PS3
- PS1 games fix - Way to fix broken PS1 games for PSP and PSVita
- PocketstationUnlocker - Forces pocketstation support in all PS1 games
- ParentalControlBypass - Reset PSVita Parental Control
- psv_trophfix - Trophies Fixer
- hide-autoplugin - Hides ux0:/app/AUTOPLUG2 from any app its loaded into
- FS Attributes Fix - Fixing folders you cannot see or access through USB VitaShell on Windows
- Refresh LiveArea - VitaShell; Options; Refresh LiveArea
- LCD Color Saturation - App for improving color saturation on your Vita 2000
- LCD Colour Space Changer - Plugin for improving color saturation on your Vita 2000
- DolcePolce - Allows you to play all PS Vita games on PS TV
- Sharpscale - Changes the display scaling method on higher resolutions
- VitaDock Lite - Standalone VitaDock utility for PC
- VitaDock+ - Raspberry Pi Linux distribution for docking station with video output to a TV
- VitaDock tutorial - VitaDock tutorial
- reVita - Allows you to remap inputs and trigger actions
- vita-ps4linkcontrols - Button configuration plugin for Remote Play
- ps4linkcontrols-gui - GUI configuration utility for vita-ps4linkcontrols
- Button Swap - Swapping X and O buttons
- VitaTester - Testing input, gyro and acceleration sensor
- Analog Enhancer - Sets deadzones for sticks
- WDNR - Disables rear touchpad
- VitaControl - Allows to use a wide variety of bluetooth controllers
- ds34vita - Allows to use Dualshock 3/4 controllers
- System-Integrated DualSense Driver - Allows to use DualSense controllers
- DS34Motion - Adds motion control support for PlayStation TV with DualShock
- MiniVitaTV - Allows you to connect up to 4 DS3/DS4 controllers to PS Vita
- ds4vita - Adds DualShock support
- ds4Touch - Adds DualShock touchpad support (ds4vita way) to PS TV and Vita with MiniVitaTV
- X1Vita - Adds Xbox One controller support
- ViXEn - Driver for XInput gamepads
- VXHelper - Support app for ViXEn
- 8BitVita - Adds 8BitDo controller support
- Viimote - Adds Wiimote support
- VitaMote - Modded Viimote
- Tvikey - PSTV kernel driver for mouse/keyboard
- VitaPad - Allows to use PS Vita as a gaming controller (improved version of the vitastick)
- VitaPad - Allows to use PS Vita as a wireless gamepad
- vitastick - Allows to use PS Vita as an USB gamepad
- hidmouse - Allows to use PS Vita as an USB Mouse
- VitaKeyboard - Allows to use PS Vita as an USB Keyboard
- RetroFlow-Launcher - Modded version of HexFlow Launcher with retro games support
- HexFlow-Launcher-Unofficial-Custom - Revamp mod for VitaHEX's 3D coverflow style launcher for PS Vita
- HexFlow-Launcher - A 3d coverflow like launcher for PS Vita
- vita-launcher - App/game launcher application
- ONEMenu - Custom UI, title name editor and installer
- fontInstaller - An app for installing the fontRedirect plugin for injecting custom fonts
- vita-bootanim - Custom boot animations
- PSVita Custom Themes Free Repository - Custom Themes Repository
- Custom Themes Manager - App to browse, view, download and install custom themes
- Quick Menu Plus - Function and style enhancements for the Quick Menu
- psp2wpp - Adds wave on background
- Shortcuts Enhancer - Custom shortcuts in the PS Vita index menu
- QuickLaunch-Installer - Allows you to customize the quick menu shortcuts
- Theme Manager Ex - Advanced theme manger
- TEMA - Live Area and Vita Shell Theme Installer
- Multi-Builder - LiveArea bubble creation and editing tool for PC
- FAQ to Vita Manual Converter - Converts HTML to bubble manual
- VITAlbum - Image viewer
- Pngshot - Makes screenshot in PNG format
- PSOneScrot - Fixes screenshots in PS1 games
- ElevenMPV-A - Music player with background playback
- Music Premium - Enables background music playback
- VITA-NoAutoAvls - Enable/disable the auto-avls feature (bypass 20 hours timing)
- Monaural - Mono audio and channel balance
- MilkyTrackerVita - Music application for creating .MOD and .XM
- Vita Recorder - Allows to record video clips
- CBPSTube - YouTube client with more features
- TubeVita - Alternative YouTube client
- Vita Media Center - MP4 video player
- Vita Media Importer - Imports media into the PS Vita video and music players
- Vita Media Player - An Open Source PSVita/TV MP4 player with 1080p playback and subtitle support
- Video Bubbles Creator - Convert a video in whatever format to a Vita bubble (.vpk)
- MVPlayer - Video library app
- Boxset-Bubble-Creator - Convert and prepare video files for MVPlayer
- NetStream - Universal video streaming client (from YouTube, HTTP server, FTP server, Local storage ...)
- udcd_uvc - Allows you stream your PSVita screen to PC/Android via USB
- cspot_vita - A Spotify player (supports only premium accounts)
- Vita Moonlight - NVIDIA Gamestream (or Sunshine) client for Vita
- VItaki - Playstation 5 Remote Play on PSVita (Chiaki port)
- PSVshellPlus - Advanced overclock and info plugin for PS Vita
- PSVshell - Overclock plugin with FPS counter and CPU usage
- CapUnlocker - Allows to use system reserved 4th CPU core and other capabilities
- Thread Optimizer - Adjusts thread parameters
- CPU Affinity Mask Changer - Changes CPU affinity mask to all cores
- LowMemMode - Allows launch applications in LOWPHYMEM mode
- NoPowerLimits - Removes power mode restrictions
- IOStaging - Improves sequential I/O speeds
- VitaGrafix - Change resolution and FPS cap in games
- VitaGrafixConfigurator - GUI configurator for VitaGrafix
- VitaGrafixPatchlist - A collection of patches for VitaGrafix
- Vita Nearest Neighbour - Changes texture sampling to point filtering method
- Vita Bilinear - Changes texture sampling to linear filtering method
- reRescaler - Replacement for built-in rescaler
- TropHAXSE - Trophy unlocker app
- Trophy Manager - Trophy remover app
- TrophyShot - Takes a screenshot whenever you unlock a trophy
- TRP Builder - Build or modify unencrypted TROPHY.TRP (PC tool)
- Apollo Save Tool - Allows to download, unlock, patch and resign save-games
- VitaCheat - Cheat plugin
- VitaCheatDatabase - Database for VitaCheat
- Cheat Plugins - Cheat plugins
- ScoreHAX - Leaderboards hack
- Déjàvu - Save state plugin
- TurboPad - Allows you to enable RapidFire on any button
- - Set of save editor tools
- Illusion Vita Patches - Vita patches by illusion0001 (FPS uncaps, debug menu unlockers, etc...)
- Doom_YXZ Vita Patches - Vita patches by Doom_YXZ
- Filter Fix for Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition - Linear filter disabler for DN3D:ME
- Alien Shooter DLC unlocker - Unlocks Alien Shooter DLCs for free
- Borderlands-2-Altered-Config - An altered config file for Borderlands 2 to increase playability and fps
- Killzone: Mercenary Threads Profile - Optimized threads profile for Kz:M (US)
- Persona 4 Golden Patches - Set of patches for P4G
- Persona 3/4/5 Dancing Patches - Set of patches for P3D, P4D and P5D
- Super Mario 64 Patches - SM64 with 60 FPS and Puppy Camera patches
- Need for Speed: Most Wanted REDUX - Makes NfS:MW(2012) more similar to the PC version
- Need for Speed: Most Wanted Settings - Fixes some of the glaring issues with NfS:MW
- LittleBigPlanet Project Lighthouse - LittleBigPlanet alternative server (currently only private access)
- Vita Mods Table - PS Vita mods and repatches list
- PG Mods - Mods by PortableGaming group (Russian version)
- GTA III 10th Anniversary Edition - 10th Anniversary Edition extensions for re3-vita
- GTA: VC 10th Anniversary Edition - 10th Anniversary Edition extensions for re3-vc-vita
- GTA: SA 10th Anniversary Edition - 10th Anniversary Edition extensions for GTA:SA-vita
- Various GTA Downgraders - Downgrade guides for GTA games (PC)
- Max Payne PC Anniversary Edition - PC version features for max_vita
- Minecraft: Enhanced - Minecraft 1.83 with tons of restores and improves
- Minecraft Texture Port - Minecraft texture pack from PC version 1.14.4
- God of War Remastered Videos - GoW HQ Cutscenes
- Sly Cooper Remastered Videos - SC HQ Cutscenes
- P4G Vita Mod Ports - P4G mods and enhances ports
- Super Meat Boy Original Music - Original music by Danny Baranowsky for SMB
- The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Original Music - Original music by Danny Baranowsky for TBoI:R
- GePatch - Allows you to play some PSP games in native PS Vita resolution
- Remastered Controls Collection - Enables second stick in some PSP games
- PSP camera patch lite - Add right analog stick support to some PSP games (based on DS3Remapper)
- GTA Native Resolution Patch - Forces native PS Vita resolution in GTA:LCS and GTA:VCS PSP games
- CWCheat Adrenaline - Allows you to use custom cheats and patches in PSP and PSX games
- TempAR - PSP cheat plugin
- 60 FPS Patches List - 60 FPS patches for PSP games (for CWCheat/TempAR)
- CWCheat Database + - List of cheats for CWCheat/TempAR
- Random fixes/hacks - Random fixes/hacks to improve PSP games on PPSSPP/PSP/Vita
- - PSP Homebrew Store
- GameBrew PSP - List of PSP homebrews
- Adrenaline usb enabler - Adrenaline USB pairing with PS2/PS3
- PSM Reborn - SDK's and Unity Builds and bunch of other development tools for Vita
- Vita SDK - Development SDK for PS Vita
- Vitadev Package manager - Quickly resetting VitaSDK and getting common libraries building for the PS Vita
- Vita Development Suite - Additional features for the PlayStation Vita SDK
- VitaDeploy - Toolbox that makes homebrewing the Playstation Vita/TV easier
- VitaGL - Wrapper between OpenGL and sceGxm
- PVR_PSP2 - Native EGL, WSEGL, OpenGL ES v1.1 ports
- VitaAL - Hardware accelerated OpenAL 1.1
- TriGL - WebGL implementation for SCE Trilithium Javascript engine
- VitaMonoLoader - Standalone Mono (C#) execution on PS Vita
- PHP-Player-plus-plus (pp++) - PHP interpreter for PS Vita
- FalsoJNI - Simple, zero-dependency fake JVM/JNI interface written in C
- QuickMenuReborn - Library for developers to easily add their own widgets, to the Vita's Quick Menu
- libAppSettings - Library that implements simple bridge for system software app settings dialog
- PSVita Unity Utilities - Tools to help speed up PSVita Unity Development
- PSVita Reverse Engineering Tools - A bundle of RE tools for PSVita
- KVDB - Vita Debugger Kernel Plugin
- Ghidra Vita Loader - Scripts for loading PSVita ELF Binaries into NSA's Ghidra
- Vita Loader - IDA Plugin for loading PSVita ELF Binaries into IDA Pro
- CXML-Decompiler - Playstation Mobile (, RCOF (.rco) and RCSF (.rcs) decompiler
- RegistryEditorMOD - Allows you to read and edit all registry settings
- MaiDumpToolEN - Game dumper and patcher
- PS Vita Decrypted Firmwares - A collection of decrypted PS Vita firmwares
- PSMUI - GUI for PSM Simulator (allow to play PSM Games on PC)
- QCMA - Open Source Content Manager Assistant for PS Vita
- HandBrake - Video files converter (contains Playstation presets)
- AT9&AT3 Converter - At9/At3 files converter
- GeForce Experience - NVIDIA Gamestream for PC
- NPS Browser - NoPayStation client for Windows
- TempAR-Vita - Pointer scanner for use with Vita, PSP, and NDS
- ContentServer - Server for Content Downloader
- GayMaker - GameMaker:Studio to PSVita compiler
- GameMakerVPKBuilder - GameMaker PC games recompiler
- Chovy Sign - PSP ISOs on unhacked PSVita
- PSX2PSP - Allows you to convert PS1/PSX game into format playable on PSP/Adrenaline
- PSP2-CBAnim - Boot animation creator for CBS-Manager
- VHBB-Android - VitaDB & cbpsDB client for Android
- NPS Browser - NoPayStation client app for Android
- Bubble Studio - Web editor for app.db
- PSMRC - Resource Pack Converter for Minecraft PS Vita Edition
- ViBeS - Minimalistic benchmarking plugin
- VGi - Prints useful information about PS Vita games
- VITAident - System/hardware identity tool for PS Vita
- PSVident - An application that displays various information of your console
- PS Vita (TV) Hacks Guide - A complete hack guide
- Vita hacking guide - Another complete hack guide (HENlo)
- Vita Troubleshooting Guide - Useful tutorials for installing hacks, complex homebrews/plugins etc
- CFWaifu Vita Tutorials - CFWaifu guides
- Vita-Guide - How to install CFW and everything to do with it
- Vita Custom Firmware for dummies - complete hack guide
- Wololo Tutorials - Vita tutorials
- PGBook - Russian PortableGaming guides
- PortableGaming - Russian PortableGaming community
- PSV Hacking 4PDA - Russian guides for hacking
- Project Rinascita - Most common hacking problems and solves
- Remove PSN Account - How to Completely Remove PSN Account From PS Vita + Earn Trophies Again
- Hacking without Memory Card - Complete Guide of Hacking a PSVita 1xxx without Memory Card
- Vita SDK Docs - Vita SDK Docs
- Vita Development Wiki - Vita SDK wiki
- PS Vita Dev Wiki - Another wiki for developers
- Unity setup - How to setup Unity to develop PS Vita Games
- Compiling VitaQuake - Compiling VitaQuake tutorial
- LiveArea Specs - How to make PS Vita happy with images for LiveArea, resolves 0x8010113D error
- Dots_tb tutorials - Useful RE tutorials by dots_tb
- Unity debugging - Debugging some Unity games
- VitaRescale tutorial - Getting resolution addresses in games
- Unity Porting - Porting Guide for Unity Games
- GMS Vita Port Instructions - GameMaker Studio PS Vita Port Instructions
- Illusion Patches - How to install illusion0001 patches
- VitaCheat/FinalCheat Database - VitaCheat User Manuals
- Creating Cheats with PPSSPP - Creating cheats with PPSSPP and CheatEngine
- PSVita at 2am - PSVita at 2am YouTube channel
- 2 old 4 gaming - 2 old 4 gaming YouTube channel
- Wololo PS Vita - Latest homebrews, mods and hacking scene news
- Vita Player - PS Vita news and articles
- Reddit Vita - PS Vita Reddit community
- Reddit VitaHacks - PS Vita hacks and homebrew on Reddit
- Reddit VitaPiracy - Reddit discussion of things related to piracy on the PS Vita
- Reddit Vita3k - Vita3k Reddit community
- PSX-Place - Latest Homebrew, Hacking, Exploits, CFW, Jailbreak & PlayStation Scene News
- CBPS forum - Hacking information or applications related to the PS Vita
- GBAtemp - Sony PS Vita discussions and guides
- - Wololo PS Vita forum
- PSNProfiles - Trophies stats and guides
- 4PDA PS Vita - Russian PS Vita discussions and guides
- VK Portablegaming - Portablegaming VK group
- Dan's Palace - Unity games porting Discord community
- Donkey Kong And Friends - Vita & Android Porting - Vita & Android Porting Discord community
- English Translations - List of fan translated Vita games
- English Translations - Fan translations and patches for Playstation Vita games
- Russian Translations - A collection of russian language patches
- Russian Language Games - List of games with russian language and russian patches
- forcelang - Overrides application language
- Emulator Files - BIOS/Firmware files for emulators
- ROM & ISO Sites - List of ROM sites
- GePatch - Compatibility list for GePatch
- Adrenaline 60 FPS - Compatibility list for Adrenaline 60 FPS patches via CWCheat/TempAR
- DaedalusX64 - Compatibility list for DaedalusX64-vitaGL
- Flycast - Compatibility list for Flycast-vita
- Vita3K - Compatibility list for Vita3K
- YoYo Loader - Compatibility list for YoYo Loader Vita
- AR Play Cards - Augmented Reality cards for PS Vita
- Android games - List of Android games theoretically portable to PS Vita
- Bounties - Bounties for new Vita projects
- Compass - Built in Vita browser compass/gyro app (about:compass)
- LiveRig - Live2D face tracking software PoC
- Plugin descriptions - Short plugin descriptions from Autoplugin 2
- Tech Specs - PS Vita/PS TV technical specifications
- PlayStation Vita Secrets - PS Vita Fat technical specifications, some features and secrets
- SKU Models - PS Vita models table
- Hotkeys - Awesome list of app/plugin and system hotkeys
- Missed Games - Awesome games that not mentioned in VitaDB and NoPayStation