35 commits
to main
since this release
First stable release
Entities can be created and controlled via the input mode and reflection,
The map is created randomly using noise,
Creatures can find the shortest path to a target,
one Example entity exists
The user can move a cursor about the map to help with navigating
Following entities exist: House, Ore, Wildlife (friendly/aggressive), Fighter (Sword/Bow), Worker
The player has to manage the resources food and money
Entities can take damage and die
A tutorial exists and can be accessed from inside the game.
What's Changed
- sync changes on main by @Kerbaltec-Solutions in #14
- 23.07.23: ver: 1.0.0 by @Kerbaltec-Solutions in #20
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-nightly...v1.0.0