Developed by Chris Scott
Copyright 2015 Loughborough University
Released under the MIT license, see "" for details.
This code requires Python to run. Currently Python 2.7, 3.2+ should work. Atoman depends on a number of Python libraries, a C and C++ compiler (tested with gcc and g++) and also some other optional software.
This is a list of third-party python modules that this code requires to run. They can be installed in a variety of ways, such as with MacPorts, pip, apt-get or similar.
- NumPy
- SciPy
- Matplotlib
- PySide
- Pillow
- VTK - version 7.0 or later required for Python 3
- Sphinx
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- nose (testing)
- setuptools
- Paramiko - for loading files via the SFTP file browser
- pyhull - for computing facet areas of convex hulls
In order to be able to use all features the following programmes should be installed:
- POV-Ray (for offline rendering of images; looks better)
- Ffmpeg (for creating movies; sequencer and rotator)
If these are not installed in default system locations you can set the paths to where they are installed in the preferences dialog in the GUI.
You can either build the code in-place or install it into the Python site-packages directory, for example within a virtualenv.
In both cases you should first copy the config file: cp setup.cfg.example setup.cfg
and add/edit
any relevant sections. There are some comments in the file to help with selecting the options.
You need to choose one of the following two methods for installing the software.
Build the documentation (includes inplace build of extensions):
python build_sphinx
and verify the tests run with no errors:
python test
Then you can add the /path/to/Atoman
directory to you PYTHONPATH and run python -m atoman
from anywhere to run the software.
Build the documentation (includes inplace build of extensions):
python build_sphinx
and verify the tests run with no errors:
python test
Then run:
python build
python install
If you are not using a virtual environment you may need to sudo
the last (install) command.
Following this you should be able to run python -m atoman
from anywhere to run the software.
Alternatively you could use the atoman
command to run the software.
On Mac OS X you can build a .app application using PyInstaller.
Simply change to the pyinstaller/ directory and run ./
(you may need to edit the path to