Repository for Libft, the first project for 42's Common-Core, where we are asked to create our first static library.
In this library, you'll find reimagined versions of commonly used C functions, all crafted entirely from the ground up, as well as some custom functions. These remakes are the result of thoughtful reverse engineering, all with the purpose of gainining a deeper understanding of how these functions work.
- ft_strlen - Returns the length of a string.
- ft_strcpy - Copies a string to another string.
- ft_strcmp - Compares two strings.
- ft_strcat - Concatenates two strings.
- ft_strchr - Locates the first occurrence of a character in a string.
- ft_strdup - Duplicates a string.
- ft_strjoin - Concatenates two strings, creating a new one.
- ft_strsub - Returns a substring of a string.
- ft_memset - Fills a block of memory with a specified value.
- ft_memcpy - Copies a block of memory to another location.
- ft_memcmp - Compares two blocks of memory.
- ft_memmove - Copies a block of memory, handling overlapping areas.
- ft_memchr - Locates the first occurrence of a character in a block of memory.
- ft_memalloc - Allocates and returns a block of memory.
- ft_bzero - Sets a block of memory to zero.
- ft_lstnew - Creates a new list element.
- ft_lstadd_front - Adds an element to the beginning of a list.
- ft_lstsize - Returns the number of elements in a list.
- ft_lstiter - Iterates over a list and applies a function to each element.
- ft_lstmap - Applies a function to each element in a list and creates a new list with the results.
- ft_atoi - Converts a string to an integer.
For detailed information on these and other functions and their usage, please refer to the Libft Wiki.