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use ondisc for preprocessing
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Tim committed Sep 8, 2021
1 parent b6978b6 commit 4ec5950
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Showing 5 changed files with 382 additions and 112 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
code_dir <- paste0(.get_config_path("LOCAL_CODE_DIR"), "sceptre-manuscript")
offsite_dir <- .get_config_path("LOCAL_SCEPTRE_DATA_DIR")

# Pre-process data
source(paste0(code_dir, "/sceptre_paper/analysis_drivers/analysis_drivers_xie/paths_to_dirs.R"))
packs <- c("bigstatsr", "future", "furrr", "Matrix", "rhdf5", "stringr", "openxlsx", "katsevich2020", "magrittr")
for (pack in packs) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(pack, character.only = TRUE))

# Expression matrix
# First, we determine the number of cells and number of genes across all the batches
h5_files <- paste0(raw_data_dir, "/", grep(pattern = '*.h5', list.files(raw_data_dir), value = TRUE))
dims_across_h5s <- sapply(h5_files, function(h5_file) {
Expand All @@ -22,71 +18,27 @@ row.names(dims_across_h5s) <- NULL
all(dims_across_h5s[,1] == dims_across_h5s[1,1]) # Verify n genes consistent across files
n_cells_total <- sum(dims_across_h5s[,2])
n_genes_total <- dims_across_h5s[1,1]
batch_lane <- stringr::str_extract(string = h5_files, pattern = "Batch-[0-9]_[0-9]") %>%
gsub(pattern = "Batch-", replacement = "")

# Next, initialize an ondisc matrix storing the gene expression data
if (!dir.exists(paste0(processed_dir, "/odm"))) dir.create(paste0(processed_dir, "/odm"))
h5_odm <- create_ondisc_matrix_from_h5_list(h5_list = h5_files,
odm_fp = paste0(processed_dir, "/odm/gene_expression_matrix"),
metadata_fp = paste0(processed_dir, "/odm/gene_expression_metadata.rds"),
barcode_suffixes = batch_lane,
progress = TRUE)

# We will use only the protein-coding genes in this analysis; load them.
# modify the ondisc matrix by identifying the protein-coding genes
gene_df <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = paste0(raw_data_dir, "/Genes.xlsx"), sheet = 1)
all_protein_coding_genes <- gene_df$Gene_Symbol
h5_file <- h5_files[1]
h5_handle <- H5Fopen(h5_file)
all_sequenced_genes <- h5_handle$"/refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/gene_names"
all_sequenced_genes_ids <- h5_handle$"/refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/genes"
saveRDS(all_sequenced_genes_ids, file = paste0(processed_dir, '/all_sequenced_genes_id.rds'))

h5_gene_info <- data.frame(row_idx = seq(1, n_genes_total), gene_name = all_sequenced_genes, gene_id = all_sequenced_genes_ids)
h5_gene_info_protein_coding <- dplyr::filter(h5_gene_info,
gene_name %in% all_protein_coding_genes)
genes_in_use <- unique(h5_gene_info_protein_coding$gene_name)
genes_in_use_ids <- h5_gene_info_protein_coding$gene_id
gene_idxs_in_use <- h5_gene_info_protein_coding$row_idx
n_genes_in_use <- length(genes_in_use_ids)

# Next, we create a file-backed matrix to store the transpose of the expression matrix
exp_mat_t <- FBM(nrow = n_genes_in_use, ncol = n_cells_total, type = "unsigned short", init = 0, backingfile = paste0(processed_dir, "/expression_matrix_t"), create_bk = TRUE)
exp_mat_t_metadata <- list(nrow = n_genes_in_use, ncol = n_cells_total, type = "unsigned short", backingfile = paste0(processed_dir, "/expression_matrix_t"))
saveRDS(object = exp_mat_t_metadata, file = paste0(processed_dir, "/exp_mat_t_metadata.rds"))

exp_mat <- FBM(nrow = n_cells_total, ncol = n_genes_in_use, type = "unsigned short", init = 0, backingfile = paste0(processed_dir, "/expression_matrix"), create_bk = TRUE)
exp_mat_metadata <- list(nrow = n_cells_total, ncol = n_genes_in_use, type = "unsigned short", backingfile = paste0(processed_dir, "/expression_matrix"))
saveRDS(object = exp_mat_metadata, file = paste0(processed_dir, "/exp_mat_metadata.rds"))

# We iterate through the hd5 files and write the column chunks piece-by-piece to the FBM.
n_cells_processed <- 0
ordered_cell_barcodes <- character(0)

batch_lane <- stringr::str_extract(string = h5_files, pattern = "Batch-[0-9]_[0-9]") %>%
gsub(pattern = "Batch-", replacement = "")
for (i in seq(1, length(h5_files))) {
curr_batch_lane <- batch_lane[i]
h5_file <- h5_files[i]
print(paste("Working on", h5_file))
h5_handle <- H5Fopen(h5_file)
dat <- h5_handle$"refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/data"
indices <- h5_handle$"refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/indices"
ind_ptr <- h5_handle$"refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/indptr"
shape <- h5_handle$"refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/shape"
n_cols <- shape[2]
cell_barcodes <- h5_handle$"refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/barcodes"
# do some barcode processing
if (any(duplicated(cell_barcodes))) stop("Duplicate barcodes")
cell_barcodes <- paste0(cell_barcodes, "_", curr_batch_lane)
# Ensure that the maximum index pointer is less than the maximum integer value in R
if (max(ind_ptr) >= 2147483647) stop("Index pointer exceeds R max integer value.")
sparseM <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = indices, p = ind_ptr, x = dat, dims = shape)
sparseM <- sparseM[gene_idxs_in_use,]
# write
exp_mat_t[seq(1, n_genes_in_use), (n_cells_processed + 1):(n_cells_processed + n_cols)] <- as.matrix(sparseM)
exp_mat[(n_cells_processed + 1):(n_cells_processed + n_cols), seq(1, n_genes_in_use)] <- as.matrix(t(sparseM))
n_cells_processed <- n_cells_processed + n_cols
ordered_cell_barcodes <- c(ordered_cell_barcodes, cell_barcodes)

saveRDS(object = ordered_cell_barcodes, file = paste0(processed_dir, "/cell_barcodes_gene.rds"))
saveRDS(object = genes_in_use, file = paste0(processed_dir, "/ordered_genes.RDS"))
saveRDS(object = genes_in_use_ids, file = paste0(processed_dir, "/ordered_gene_ids.RDS"))
is_protein_coding <- get_feature_names(h5_odm) %in% all_protein_coding_genes
h5_odm_w_protein_coding <- h5_odm %>% mutate_feature_covariates(protein_coding = is_protein_coding)
save_odm(h5_odm_w_protein_coding, paste0(processed_dir, "/odm/metadata_plus.rds"))
all_gene_ids <- rhdf5::h5read(file = h5_files[1], name = "/refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/genes")
saveRDS(object = all_gene_ids,
file = paste0(processed_dir, '/all_sequenced_genes_id.rds'))

# gRNA UMI data
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
code_dir <- paste0(.get_config_path("LOCAL_CODE_DIR"), "sceptre-manuscript")
offsite_dir <- .get_config_path("LOCAL_SCEPTRE_DATA_DIR")

# Pre-process data
source(paste0(code_dir, "/sceptre_paper/analysis_drivers/analysis_drivers_xie/paths_to_dirs.R"))
packs <- c("bigstatsr", "future", "furrr", "Matrix", "rhdf5", "stringr", "openxlsx", "katsevich2020", "magrittr")
for (pack in packs) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(pack, character.only = TRUE))

# Expression matrix
# First, we determine the number of cells and number of genes across all the batches
h5_files <- paste0(raw_data_dir, "/", grep(pattern = '*.h5', list.files(raw_data_dir), value = TRUE))
dims_across_h5s <- sapply(h5_files, function(h5_file) {
h5_handle <- H5Fopen(h5_file)
dim <- h5_handle$"refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/shape"
out <- as.integer(dim)
}) %>% t()
row.names(dims_across_h5s) <- NULL
all(dims_across_h5s[,1] == dims_across_h5s[1,1]) # Verify n genes consistent across files
n_cells_total <- sum(dims_across_h5s[,2])
n_genes_total <- dims_across_h5s[1,1]

# We will use only the protein-coding genes in this analysis; load them.
gene_df <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = paste0(raw_data_dir, "/Genes.xlsx"), sheet = 1)
all_protein_coding_genes <- gene_df$Gene_Symbol
h5_file <- h5_files[1]
h5_handle <- H5Fopen(h5_file)
all_sequenced_genes <- h5_handle$"/refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/gene_names"
all_sequenced_genes_ids <- h5_handle$"/refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/genes"
saveRDS(all_sequenced_genes_ids, file = paste0(processed_dir, '/all_sequenced_genes_id.rds'))

h5_gene_info <- data.frame(row_idx = seq(1, n_genes_total), gene_name = all_sequenced_genes, gene_id = all_sequenced_genes_ids)
h5_gene_info_protein_coding <- dplyr::filter(h5_gene_info,
gene_name %in% all_protein_coding_genes)
genes_in_use <- unique(h5_gene_info_protein_coding$gene_name)
genes_in_use_ids <- h5_gene_info_protein_coding$gene_id
gene_idxs_in_use <- h5_gene_info_protein_coding$row_idx
n_genes_in_use <- length(genes_in_use_ids)

# Next, we create a file-backed matrix to store the transpose of the expression matrix
exp_mat_t <- FBM(nrow = n_genes_in_use, ncol = n_cells_total, type = "unsigned short", init = 0, backingfile = paste0(processed_dir, "/expression_matrix_t"), create_bk = TRUE)
exp_mat_t_metadata <- list(nrow = n_genes_in_use, ncol = n_cells_total, type = "unsigned short", backingfile = paste0(processed_dir, "/expression_matrix_t"))
saveRDS(object = exp_mat_t_metadata, file = paste0(processed_dir, "/exp_mat_t_metadata.rds"))

exp_mat <- FBM(nrow = n_cells_total, ncol = n_genes_in_use, type = "unsigned short", init = 0, backingfile = paste0(processed_dir, "/expression_matrix"), create_bk = TRUE)
exp_mat_metadata <- list(nrow = n_cells_total, ncol = n_genes_in_use, type = "unsigned short", backingfile = paste0(processed_dir, "/expression_matrix"))
saveRDS(object = exp_mat_metadata, file = paste0(processed_dir, "/exp_mat_metadata.rds"))

# We iterate through the hd5 files and write the column chunks piece-by-piece to the FBM.
n_cells_processed <- 0
ordered_cell_barcodes <- character(0)

batch_lane <- stringr::str_extract(string = h5_files, pattern = "Batch-[0-9]_[0-9]") %>%
gsub(pattern = "Batch-", replacement = "")
for (i in seq(1, length(h5_files))) {
curr_batch_lane <- batch_lane[i]
h5_file <- h5_files[i]
print(paste("Working on", h5_file))
h5_handle <- H5Fopen(h5_file)
dat <- h5_handle$"refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/data"
indices <- h5_handle$"refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/indices"
ind_ptr <- h5_handle$"refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/indptr"
shape <- h5_handle$"refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/shape"
n_cols <- shape[2]
cell_barcodes <- h5_handle$"refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/barcodes"
# do some barcode processing
if (any(duplicated(cell_barcodes))) stop("Duplicate barcodes")
cell_barcodes <- paste0(cell_barcodes, "_", curr_batch_lane)
# Ensure that the maximum index pointer is less than the maximum integer value in R
if (max(ind_ptr) >= 2147483647) stop("Index pointer exceeds R max integer value.")
sparseM <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = indices, p = ind_ptr, x = dat, dims = shape)
sparseM <- sparseM[gene_idxs_in_use,]
# write
exp_mat_t[seq(1, n_genes_in_use), (n_cells_processed + 1):(n_cells_processed + n_cols)] <- as.matrix(sparseM)
exp_mat[(n_cells_processed + 1):(n_cells_processed + n_cols), seq(1, n_genes_in_use)] <- as.matrix(t(sparseM))
n_cells_processed <- n_cells_processed + n_cols
ordered_cell_barcodes <- c(ordered_cell_barcodes, cell_barcodes)

saveRDS(object = ordered_cell_barcodes, file = paste0(processed_dir, "/cell_barcodes_gene.rds"))
saveRDS(object = genes_in_use, file = paste0(processed_dir, "/ordered_genes.RDS"))
saveRDS(object = genes_in_use_ids, file = paste0(processed_dir, "/ordered_gene_ids.RDS"))

# gRNA UMI data
code_dir <- paste0(.get_config_path("LOCAL_CODE_DIR"), "sceptre-manuscript")
offsite_dir <- .get_config_path("LOCAL_SCEPTRE_DATA_DIR")
source(paste0(code_dir, "/sceptre_paper/analysis_drivers/analysis_drivers_xie/paths_to_dirs.R"))

# Save the bulk region names
h5_files <- paste0(raw_data_dir, "/", grep(pattern = '*.h5', list.files(raw_data_dir), value = TRUE))
gene_names <- rhdf5::h5read(h5_files[1], "/refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/gene_names")
gene_ids <- rhdf5::h5read(h5_files[1], "/refgenome_hg38_CROP-Guide-MS2-2.1.0/genes")

enh_targets_df <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = paste0(raw_data_dir, "/enh_targets.xlsx"), sheet = 1)
bulk_region_names <- filter(enh_targets_df, gene_names %in% c("ARL15", "MYB")) %>%
dplyr::select(region, region_name =, targeted_gene = gene_names) %>%
filter(region_name %in% c("ARL15-enh", "MYB-enh-3")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(targeted_gene_id = c(gene_ids["ARL15" == gene_names],
gene_ids["MYB" == gene_names]))
saveRDS(object = bulk_region_names, paste0(processed_dir, "/bulk_region_names.rds"))

# Next, we create a data frame containing UMI counts
guide_seqs <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(xlsxFile = paste0(raw_data_dir, "/all_oligos.xlsx"),
sheet = 1) %>% dplyr::select(hg38_enh_region = "region.pos.(hg38)",
spacer_seq = "spacer.sequence")
weird_spacers <- names(which(table(guide_seqs$spacer_seq) >= 2))
guide_seqs <- dplyr::filter(guide_seqs, !(spacer_seq %in% weird_spacers))
all(table(guide_seqs$spacer_seq) == 1); all(table(guide_seqs$hg38_enh_region) == 10)

# get the raw file names
raw_fs <- list.files(raw_data_dir)
gRNA_files <- paste0(raw_data_dir, "/", grep(pattern = "sgRNA-enrichment_5K-sgRNAs_Batch", x = raw_fs, value = TRUE))

# get the batch ID of each file
batch <- stringr::str_extract(string = gRNA_files, pattern = "Batch_[0-9]_[0-9]") %>%
gsub(pattern = "Batch_", replacement = "")

# construct a sparse matrix of gRNA counts for each file
res <- lapply(X = seq(1L, length(gRNA_files)), FUN = function(i) {
curr_file <- gRNA_files[i]
curr_batch <- batch[i]
print(paste("Working on file", curr_file))
curr_gRNA_count_matrix <- readr::read_tsv(file = curr_file,
col_names = c("cell_barcode", "total_read_count", "total_umi_count", "gRNA_spacer_seqs", "read_counts", "umi_counts"),
col_types = c("cccccc")) %>% dplyr::select(cell_barcode, gRNA_spacer_seqs, umi_counts, total_umi_count)
cell_barcodes <- curr_gRNA_count_matrix$cell_barcode
# convert to sparse triplet matrix
umi_count_list <- lapply(curr_gRNA_count_matrix$umi_counts, function(v) stringr::str_split(v, pattern = ";") %>% unlist() %>% as.integer())
gRNA_spacer_seq_list <- lapply(curr_gRNA_count_matrix$gRNA_spacer_seqs, function(v) stringr::str_split(v, pattern = ";") %>% unlist())
n_entries_per_cell <- sapply(X = umi_count_list, function(v) length(v))
barcode_vector <- rep(x = cell_barcodes, times = n_entries_per_cell)
gRNA_spacer_seq_vector <- unlist(gRNA_spacer_seq_list)
umi_count_vector <- unlist(umi_count_list)
ch_df <- data.frame(barcode = barcode_vector,
spacer_seq = gRNA_spacer_seq_vector,
umi_count = umi_count_vector)
# remove all entries with spacer seqs not in the spacer seq list
ch_df <- ch_df %>% dplyr::filter(gRNA_spacer_seq_vector %in% guide_seqs$spacer_seq)
ordered_barcode_vector <- sort(unique(ch_df$barcode))

spacer_seq_idx <- match(x = ch_df$spacer_seq, guide_seqs$spacer_seq)
barcode_idx <- match(x = ch_df$barcode, table = ordered_barcode_vector)

m <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = spacer_seq_idx,
j = barcode_idx,
x = ch_df$umi_count,
dims = c(length(guide_seqs$spacer_seq),
rownames(m) <- guide_seqs$spacer_seq
colnames(m) <- paste0(ordered_barcode_vector, "-1_", curr_batch)
# obtain the gRNA UMI counts and cell count
curr_gRNA_count_matrix <-
rownames(curr_gRNA_count_matrix) <- curr_gRNA_count_matrix$cell_barcode
curr_gRNA_count_matrix_sub <- curr_gRNA_count_matrix[ordered_barcode_vector,]
umi_counts <- as.integer(curr_gRNA_count_matrix_sub$total_umi_count)
n_cells <- length(umi_counts)
return(list(m = m, umi_counts = umi_counts, n_cells = n_cells))

combined_m <- = cbind, args = lapply(res, function(i) i$m))
all(Matrix::colSums(combined_m) >= 1); all(Matrix::rowSums(combined_m) >= 1)

# Finally, perform the grouping operation
gRNA_matrix_raw <- combined_m
unique_regions <- unique(guide_seqs$hg38_enh_region)

thresholded_ungrouped_mat <- apply(X = gRNA_matrix_raw, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(r) {
r_nonzero <- r[r >= 1]
as.integer(r > mean(r_nonzero))
}) %>% Matrix::t()
colnames(thresholded_ungrouped_mat) <- colnames(gRNA_matrix_raw)

thresholded_grouped_mat <- sapply(X = unique_regions, FUN = function(curr_region) {
curr_spacer_seqs <- dplyr::filter(guide_seqs, hg38_enh_region == curr_region) %>%
curr_m <- thresholded_ungrouped_mat[curr_spacer_seqs,]
apply(X = curr_m, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(col) max(col))
}) %>% t()

saveRDS(thresholded_grouped_mat, paste0(processed_dir, "/gRNA_indicator_matrix_unordered.rds"))

# compute the cell covariate matrix
cell_gRNA_umi_counts <- lapply(res, function(i) i$umi_counts) %>% = "c", args = .)
cell_counts <- lapply(res, function(i) i$n_cells) %>% unlist()
cell_covariate_matrix <- data.frame(cell_barcode = colnames(thresholded_grouped_mat),
cell_gRNA_umi_counts = cell_gRNA_umi_counts,
batch = rep(batch, times = cell_counts))
saveRDS(object = cell_covariate_matrix, file = paste0(processed_dir, "/cell_covariate_matrix_gRNA.rds"))

# Bulk RNA-seq
code_dir <- paste0(.get_config_path("LOCAL_CODE_DIR"), "sceptre-manuscript")
offsite_dir <- .get_config_path("LOCAL_SCEPTRE_DATA_DIR")
source(paste0(code_dir, "/sceptre_paper/analysis_drivers/analysis_drivers_xie/paths_to_dirs.R"))

gene_df <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = paste0(raw_data_dir, "/Genes.xlsx"), sheet = 1)
all_protein_coding_genes <- gene_df$Gene_Symbol
bulk_info <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = paste0(raw_data_dir, "/bulk_rna_info.xlsx"), sheet = 3) %>% select(library_name = Library.Name, gRNA = sgRNA, region = Region, biological_duplicate = Biological.Duplicate)
bulk_info_arl15_enh <- slice(bulk_info, 1:25)
bulk_info_myb_enh3 <- slice(bulk_info, 26:49)

bulk_df <- suppressWarnings(read_tsv(file = paste0(raw_data_dir, "/GSE129825_Libraries.FeatureCounts.ARL15_enhancer.txt"), col_types = "ccccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii")) %>% rename("PZ788" = "PZ778...10", "PZ778" = "PZ778...13")
bulk_df_arl15_enh <- filter(bulk_df, Geneid %in% all_protein_coding_genes)
bulk_df <- suppressWarnings(read_tsv(file = paste0(raw_data_dir, "/GSE129825_Libraries.FeatureCounts.MYB_enhancer.txt"), col_types = "ccccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"))
bulk_df_myb_enh3 <- filter(bulk_df, Geneid %in% all_protein_coding_genes)

bulk_rnaseq <- list(data = list(arl15_enh = bulk_df_arl15_enh, myb_enh3 = bulk_df_myb_enh3), info = list(arl15_enh = bulk_info_arl15_enh, myb_enh3 = bulk_info_myb_enh3))
saveRDS(object = bulk_rnaseq, file = paste0(processed_dir, "/bulk_RNAseq.rds"))

# Xie hypergeometric p-values for ARL15 and MYB-3
all_sequenced_genes_ids <- readRDS(file = paste0(processed_dir, '/all_sequenced_genes_id.rds'))
extract_p_vals_hypergeo <- function(p_vals_hypergeo) {
p_vals <- exp(p_vals_hypergeo$matrix[1,])
names(p_vals) <- all_sequenced_genes_ids

xie_pfiles <- setNames(paste0(raw_data_dir, c("/hypergeometric_pvals_arl15_down.mat", "/hypergeometric_pvals_myb3_down.mat")), c("arl15_enh", "myb_enh3"))
xie_pfiles_r <- xie_pfiles %>% map(readMat) %>% map(extract_p_vals_hypergeo)

saveRDS(object = xie_pfiles_r, file = paste0(processed_dir, c("/xie_p_values.rds")))

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