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The ape-cricket is a rest-api exported as Node.js module.

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The ape-cricket uses cricapi, Free to use, super-high bandwidth, high performance Cricket API. Targeted at Developers and Cricket lovers.
The endpoints exposed are as follows:

  • apecricket.schedule( ) provides international fixtures
  • ) provides live scrores of ongoing match
  • ) provides updated cricket news
  • apecricket.upcomingMatches( ) provides upcoming match fixtures
  • apecricket.cricketScore( ) provides detailed score card of the match
  • apecricket.playerStats( ) provides players carrer info and stats
  • apecricket.playerFinder( ) provides players ids matching given name string
  • apecricket.fantasySummary( ) provides match info and stats
  • apecricket.fantasySquad( ) provides team players info

In order to use the above endpoints, u need to have an api_key which can use generated by signing into cricpapi. For testing purpose can use test_api_key "TESTKEY0273"


Installation is done using the npm install command:

$ npm install ape-cricket

In Node.js:

// Load the full build. 
var apecricket = require("ape-cricket");


//user api_key
var api_key = "TESTKEY0273"
// calling a endpoint to get response.
apecricket.schedule( api_key, function(response){ 
    // response will be json data of upcoming cricket matches


//user api_key
var api_key = "TESTKEY0273"
// calling a endpoint to get response. api_key, function(response){ 
    // response will be json data of upcoming cricket matches


//user api_key
var api_key = "TESTKEY0273"
// calling a endpoint to get response. api_key, function(response){ 
    // response will be json data of upcoming cricket matches


//user api_key
var api_key = "TESTKEY0273"
// calling a endpoint to get response.
apecricket.upcomingMatches( api_key, function(response){ 
    // response will be json data of upcoming cricket matches

The endpoints cricketScore() and playerStats() require a string input field "unique_id" and "pid"(player_id). "unique_id" for each match is available from the cricket() endpoint response. and for "pid"(player_id) need to visit cricapi players page. usage is as follows:


//user api_key
var api_key = "TESTKEY0273"
//match id
var unique_id = "1123492"
// calling a endpoint to get response.
apecricket.cricketScore( api_key, unique_id , function(response){ 
   // response will be json data of mentioned unique_id


//user api_key
var api_key = "TESTKEY0273"
// player id
var pid = 35320;
// calling a endpoint to get response.
apecricket.playerStats( api_key, pid , function(response){ 
   // response will be json data of mentioned player


//user api_key
var api_key = "TESTKEY0273"
// player id
var name = "sach";
// calling a endpoint to get response.
apecricket.playerFinder( api_key, name , function(response){ 
   // response will be json data of matching player ids

Fantasy API are billable since they're designed to help you generate income by running Fantasy Cricket portals.

Each hit is 1 credit. You get 250 credits free. Deducted from your prepaid account.


//match id
var unique_id = "1123492"
// calling a endpoint to get response.
apecricket.fantasySummary(api_key, unique_id, function (response) {
   // response will be json data of mentioned unique_id


//match id
var unique_id = "1123492"
// calling a endpoint to get response.
apecricket.fantasySquad(api_key, unique_id, function (response) {
   // response will be json data of mentioned unique_id