This guide is assuming you already have access to a Ubuntu 18.04 server and that you want to deploy the app to that server.
First, we need to import all the necessary files to the Ubuntu server machine. To do this, use WinSCP. This allows to easily exchange files between your host machine and the server.
Open up WinSCP, connect to the server
Import all the files accompanied in the setup folder. Put the database file (dblatest.psql or dblatest.sql) and the anaconda environment (thesisenv_latest.yml) into the server's home folder. Add the thesisanalyzer folder to the server as well.
IMPORTANT! Place the
file into /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Now that all the necessary files are in the server, we start to setup the environment.
Use Putty to create a connection (SSH) to the server. Once successful, you see the terminal.
Install miniconda.
chmod +x ./
You should now be able to use conda commands. Use
conda env create -f thesisenv_latest.yml
to import the premade conda environment.
Activate the environment with
conda activate thesis-env-3.6
Install the missing packages.
sudo apt install gunicorn conda install flask conda install flask-sqlalchemy
Install nginx. Use
sudo apt-get update sudo apt install nginx sudo service nginx status
Use this guide to configure nginx and set proxy_pass value to
Restart nginx for changes to take effect.
sudo service nginx reload sudo service nginx restart sudo service nginx status
Now we need to set up the database. Install Postgresql 11.
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apkt-key add - RELEASE=$(lsb_release -cs) echo "deb ${RELEASE}"-pgdg main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list sudo apt update sudo apt -y install postgresql-11
Try to open up the psql terminal with the user postgres.
sudo psql -U postgres
if you can't login due to wrong password, use this guide to log in. Once you are logged in to the postgres user, enter:
ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'yourpassword';
Create the analyzer database.
createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres testdb
Exit from the psql terminal.
Import the database from the file.
psql -U postgres analyzer < dblatest.sql
You should now have everything set up. Open up the project folder
cd thesisanalyzer
Enter your database credentials to the file
sudo nano
Run the program with:
gunicorn wsgi:application --name thesisanalyzer --workers 4 --bind= --timeout 900
If there are missing packages, install them with pip or conda.
to stop the program. -
If you want to run the program as a daemon, enter
gunicorn wsgi:application --name thesisanalyzer --workers 4 --bind= --timeout 900 --daemon
to stop the program, enter:
pkill gunicorn
- Clone the code repository to your remote server via
. - Install
. - In the
folder, add a new file
. - Add the variables
with the corresponding database credentials to this file. - Add execute rights for 2 files with the following commands:
chmod +x ./
chmod +x ./ThesisAnalyzer/
- Run the
file. This will set up and run the project.