Learn data structure algorithms with go
- Array
- Heap
- Priority Queue
- Linked List
- Tree
- Maps
- Two Pointers Approach
- Heap Sorts
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Selection Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Recursion
- Dynamic Programming
- Problem: 40. Combination Sum II
- Problem: 1752. Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated
- Problem: Find second largest element from an array of integers
- Problem: Find second largest and smallest element from an array of integers
- Problem: 66. Plus One
- Problem: 217. Contains Duplicate
- Problem: 88. Merge Sorted Array
- Problem: 118. Pascal's Triangle
- Problem: 119. Pascal's Triangle II
- Problem: 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- Problem: 136. Single Number
- Problem: Longest subarray with sum of k(Brute Force)
- Problem: Longest subarray with sum of k(Better)
- Problem: Longest subarray with sum of k(Two Pointer)
- Problem: Two Sum
- Problem: 1752 - Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated(Brute Force)
- Problem: 1752 - Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated(Optimal Solution)
- Problem: 283. Move Zeroes
- Problem: 283. Move Zeroes(Two Pointers Approach)
- Problem: Union of two sorted array
- Problem: Intersection of two sorted array
- Problem: Intersection of two sorted array(Two Pointer Approach)
- Problem: 268. Missing Number(Brute Force)
- Problem: 268. Missing Number(Better Approach)
- Problem: 268. Missing Number(Optimal Approach)
- Problem: 747. Largest Number At Least Twice of Others
- Problem: 75. Sort Colors
- Problem: 169. Majority Element
- Problem: 169. Majority Element(Better)
- Problem: 169. Majority Element(Moores Voting algorithm)
- Problem: 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- Problem: 414. Third Maximum Number
- Problem: 120. Triangle
- Problem: 15. 3Sum(Brute Force)
- Problem: 15. 3Sum(Optimal)
- Problem: 189. Rotate Array(Brute Force)
- Problem: 189. Rotate Array(Optimal)
- Problem: 523. Continuous Subarray Sum
- Problem: 167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted
- Problem: 53. Maximum Subarray
- Problem: Print the subarray with maximum sum
- Problem: 2149. Rearrange Array Elements by Sign(Brute Force)
- Problem: 2149. Rearrange Array Elements by Sign(Better)
- Problem: 31. Next Permutation
- Problem: Leaders in array problem(Brute Force)
- Problem: Leaders in array problem(Better)
- Problem: 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence(Brute Force)
- Problem: 139. Word Break
- Problem: 139. Word Break(Optimal)
- Problem: 907. Sum of Subarray Minimums(Brute Force)
- Problem: 907. Sum of Subarray Minimums(Optimal)
- Problem: 49. Group Anagrams(Brute Force Using Sorting)
- Problem: 49. Group Anagrams(Optimal Using HashMap)
- Problem: 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number)
- Problem: 131. Palindrome Partitioning
- Problem: 51. N-Queens
- Problem: 52. N-Queens II
- Problem: 906. Super Palindromes
- Problem: 41. First Missing Positives
- Problem: Problem: 30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words
- Problem: Problem: 30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words(Optimal)
- Try to represent the problem in terms of index
- Do all possible stuff to the index according to the problem statement
- Sum of all stuffs -> count all ways
- Find the Minimum of something -> Min( of all stuffs)
- Find the Maximum of something -> Max(of all stuffs)