- Multi-person P2P video conferencing based on WebRTC
- Local users, no registration required, no login required
- Support for meeting scheduling and invitation code entry
- Support for video background replacement
- Supports screen sharing
- Support for meeting chat
- Supports audio and video device testing and switching
- Supports meeting member permission management (setting co-hosts, muting, kicking out)
- Real-time traffic monitoring
# Install MongoDB, coturn, and write userinfo into `.env`
# Install dependencies
> pnpm install
# Run
> pnpm dev
# Build
> pnpm build
# Execute server programs (if process management tools such as PM2 are not required)
> node ./dist/index.js
# Install PM2
> pnpm install -g pm2
# Register PM2 monitoring
> pm2 start --watch ecosystem.config.js
# If a reverse proxy is needed, please proxy:
# /api/* to localhost:9876
# /socket.io/* to localhost:9876
# /api/peer_signal to localhost:9877