_ _ _ __ _ ___ ___(_|_) __ _ _ __| |_ / _` / __|/ __| | | / _` | '__| __| | (_| \__ \ (__| | | | (_| | | | |_ \__,_|___/\___|_|_| \__,_|_| \__|
Draw ascii art(bar, chart, histogram) in your terminal. We love terminal, right? :)
$ pip install ascii_art
see examples folder.
- It sucks? Why not help me improve it? Let me know the bad things.
- Want a new feature? Feel free to file an issue for a feature request.
- Find a bug? Open an issue please, or it's better if you can send me a pull request.
Contributions are always welcome at any time! ✨ 🍰 ✨
It's a python port of the original chart, bars and histogram, all the glories should belong to tj.
MIT © lord63.