This project is a VueJS [Nuxt] project for learning purposes. It was a restaurant application where you can order any food. It uses global context [ Pinia ] with Nuxt.
- Nuxt
- Typescript
- Tailwindcss
- Pinia Global UI context
- Naive UI
- Vue-router
- You are able to navigate between different routes via Vue-router
- A home page includes products. You can filter and add to cart different foods.
- A products page includes all different kinds of products and categories.
- An orders page which contains your previous orders. ( Make sure you are not reloading the page to do not lose your orders 😂 )
- A cart feature which you can increase or decrease quantity of food. Also you can immediately remove a food from cart and complately clear whole cart.
- Local storage to save previous orders ( Now you can refresh pages 😉 )