Why we need this?
- kobuki is produced in 2015 which is really far away, this repo will only provide the thing you can run the kobuki robot [maunal control using the keyboard or remote control].
- This is for us to collect our own dataset mainly indoor, or tested our algorithm in a real robot.
- IF YOU DIRECTLY USE THE KOBUKI FROM KIN, there is no need to set up from this README. Otherwise, Please go install readme to setup
Test System: Ubuntu 20.04 noetic
Test Day: 2023/03/09 17:53
Author: Kin ZHANG https://kin-zhang.github.io/
Sensor setup:
- Velodyne VLP-16
- Livox Mid-70
Will add more... like camera (rgb/depth).
Picture of it:
NOTE AGAIN: If you reinstall the whole thing. Please check install readme.
When you open the NUC, Here are the path the driver and kobuki code are.
turtle@turtle-nuc /home/turtle/workspace/kobuki_ws
Control Manual, Here is the button said [F710 is the gampad we used]:
- START : to start the robot, if you want to STOP, press
- BACK : to stop robot
- RB && RIGHT mini sticks: forward speed
- RB && LEFT mini sticks: left/right turn
cd /home/turtle/workspace/kobuki_ws
catkin build
source /home/turtle/workspace/kobuki_ws/devel/setup.zsh
# roscore & sensor driver for velodyne and livox
# kobuki driver for run
If you want to record thing, Please check this script file also:
Open Joy:
roslaunch teleop_twist_joy teleop.launch
Open kobuki:
roslaunch kobuki_node minimal.launch
Open Livox [If you setup from the start, please correct the ip addr in Network setting]:
roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_kobuki.launch
Open Velodyne [If you setup from the start, please correct the ip addr in Network setting]:
roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud VLP16_points.launch
Here are some demo we used in kobuki or the data kobuki collected.
Do some slam thing, this simple package you can try simple_ndt_slam. This one is in TR14 6 floor:
Some problem you may met, record here:
Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Permission denied #26 esp8266/source-code-examples#26
serial problem: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11403932/python-attributeerror-module-object-has-no-attribute-serial
Kobuki: malformed sub-payload detected: yujinrobot/kobuki#382