- Source: https://kg-hub.berkeleybop.io/kg-microbe/current/index.html
- Bioregistry source: https://bioregistry.io/registry/
import csv
import json
import re
import urllib.parse
Relative paths to the input and output files
edgesPath = "input/merged-kg_edges.tsv"
nodesPath = "input/merged-kg_nodes.tsv"
bioregistryPath = "input/registry.json"
outputPath = "output/kg-microbe.ttl"
All used prefixes are defined here
prefixes = {
"biolink": "https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/",
"rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#",
"rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#",
"owl": "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#",
"dc": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
"obo": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/",
"oio": "http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#",
"wd": "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/",
"bioregistry": "https://bioregistry.io/",
"medi": "https://mediadive.dsmz.de/ingredients/",
"meds": "https://mediadive.dsmz.de/solutions/",
"medm": "https://mediadive.dsmz.de/medium/"
Load prefixes from registry.json
which should be downloaded from https://bioregistry.io/registry/
bioregistry_prefixes = {}
f = open(bioregistryPath)
data = json.load(f)
for entity in data.values():
bioregistry_prefixes[entity["prefix"]] = {"name": entity["name"], "uri_format": entity["uri_format"]}
del data
Here we start to write prefixes into the output file
outputStream = open(outputPath, "w")
for p, ns in prefixes.items():
outputStream.write(f"@prefix {p}: <{ns}> .\n")
Helpers for saving triples and uri extraction. All uris are resolved from the iri
columns and then from https://bioregistry.io/registry/ if iri is unknown. All unresolved uris are replaced with the following urn format: <urn:unknown:id>
def add_triple(s: str, p: str, o: str):
outputStream.write(f"{s} {p} {o} .\n")
# print(f"{s} {p} {o} .")
def add_label(s: str, label: str):
add_triple(s, "rdfs:label", json.dumps(label))
def add_type(s: str, t: str):
add_triple(s, "rdf:type", t)
def add_synonym(s: str, syn: str):
add_triple(s, "biolink:synonym", json.dumps(syn))
def add_reference(s: str, ref: str):
add_triple(s, "dc:identifier", json.dumps(ref))
def extract_uri(id: str):
uri_parts = id.split(":", 1)
if len(uri_parts) == 1:
encoded_id = urllib.parse.quote(id, safe="")
return f"urn:unknown:{encoded_id}"
elif len(uri_parts) > 1:
prefix = uri_parts[0].lower()
def_prefix = bioregistry_prefixes.get(prefix)
if def_prefix is None:
encoded_id = urllib.parse.quote(id, safe="")
return f"urn:unknown:{encoded_id}"
uf = def_prefix["uri_format"] # type: str
if uf is None or "$1" not in uf:
return f"https://bioregistry.io/{prefix}:{uri_parts[1]}"
return uf.replace("$1", uri_parts[1])
return None
First, we add user-defined triples.
add_triple("biolink:synonym", "rdfs:label", "\"Synonym\"")
add_triple("dc:identifier", "rdfs:label", "\"Reference\"")
It includes:
- labels
- types
- synonyms
- reference
with the entity uri.
i = 0
f_in = open(nodesPath, newline="")
reader = csv.reader(f_in, delimiter="\t")
rowsIt = iter(reader)
header = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(next(rowsIt))}
id_to_uri = {}
for row in rowsIt:
i += 1
if i % 50000 == 0: print(f"processed lines: {i}")
uri = row[header["iri"]].split("|")[0].strip()
id = row[header["id"]].strip()
if not uri:
uri = extract_uri(id)
if not uri: continue
puri = None
for p, ns in prefixes.items():
if uri.startswith(ns):
puri = f"{p}:{re.sub("([~.!$&'\"()*+,;=/?#@%])", r"\\\1", uri.lstrip(ns))}"
s = puri if puri else f"<{uri}>"
id_to_uri[id] = s
n = str(row[header["name"]]).strip()
if len(n) > 0: add_label(s, n)
if not uri.startswith("urn:unknown:"):
add_reference(s, uri)
for syn in row[header["synonym"]].split("|"):
syn = syn.strip()
if len(syn) > 0 and syn != n: add_synonym(s, syn)
for t in str(row[header['category']]).split("|"):
t = t.strip()
if len(t) > 0: add_type(s, t)
print(f"(Done) processed lines: {i}")
Triples with unknown uris with unknown prefix are skipped.
i = 0
f_in = open(edgesPath, newline="")
reader = csv.reader(f_in, delimiter="\t")
rowsIt = iter(reader)
header = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(next(rowsIt))}
unknown_predicates = set()
used_predicates = set()
for row in rowsIt:
i += 1
if i % 50000 == 0: print(f"processed lines: {i}")
s = id_to_uri.get(row[header["subject"]].strip())
o = id_to_uri.get(row[header["object"]].strip())
p = row[header["predicate"]].strip()
p_parts = p.split(":", 1)
if s and o and len(p_parts) == 2 and p_parts[0] in prefixes:
add_triple(s, p, o)
print(f"(Done) processed lines: {i}")
if len(unknown_predicates) > 0:
print(f"Unknown predicates: {unknown_predicates}")
Add labels of all used predicates into the output file.
for p in used_predicates:
add_label(p, re.sub("([A-Z])", r"_\1", p.split(":", 1)[1]).replace("_", " ").lower().strip())
Close the output file writing.