Ergonomic, lightweight conditional compilation through attributes inspired by
Rust's cfg
Config implements the [@@config]
annotation, to conditionally compile
modules. You can use a small boolean language to check for conditions including
some built-in ones and environment variables.
It can be used to conditionally include/exclude:
- modules
- let bindings
- includes
- type definitions
- constructors from variant types and polymorphic variants
- fields from record types
- and more
Currently includes/detects the following platforms:
- Windows 32/64
- macOS/tvOS/watchOS/iOS
- FreeBSD/NetBSD
- Android
- Linux
And the following architectures:
- x86-64
- x86 i386
- aarch64
- arm
And the following environment:
- msvc
- gnu
- musl
opam install config
And add it to your dune files:
(name my_lib)
(preprocess (pps config.ppx)))
And tag your values with the @@config
or @@cfg
module A = A_unix [@@config any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")]
module A = A_win32 [@@cfg any(target_os = "windows")]
Config implements a very small boolean language with 4 operations:
var = value
, that checks if a variable (from the environment or provided by config) is equals to a value. Equality is string or integer equality.all(expr1, expr2, ...)
, expects all expressions to be trueany(expr1, expr2, ...)
, expects any expression to be truenot(expr)
, negates an expression
To define new variables you can pass them in as environment variables:
; export BAND="rush" dune build
And you'll be able to write (BAND = "rush")
module Pro_mode_env = struct
let name = "pro-mode"
let coins = 2112
[@@config (project_mode = "pro")]
include Pro_mode_env
[@@config (project_mode = "pro")]
let favorite_band = "rush"
[@@config (is_rush_fan = true)]
let favorite_band = "unknown"
[@@config not (is_rush_fan = true)]
external dog_bark : unit -> int = "dog_bark"
[@@config (includes = "dog")]
type band = { name: string }
[@@config (use_band = true)]
type favorite_bands =
| Rush
| Yes
| KingCrimson [@config (likes_trumpets = true)]
type has_published_album_recently =
[ `nope
| `yes
| `maybe [@config (is_indecisive = true)]
type user = {
name: string;
pass: string [@config (password_mode = "clear")];
pass: Password.t [@config (password_mode = "encrypted")];
[@@@config (should_include = "no")]
let do_not_include_me = failwith "oh no"
Currently config
relies on C preprocessor definitions to detect different
platforms and architectures. They are straightforward to add by extending the
file ./config/
. In there :
To add a new platform, extend the main if-else chain in the
function to include your OS. -
To add a new architecture, extend the main if-else chain in the
function to include your architecture.