MultiNER combines the output from five different (Dutch) named-entity recognition ( packages into one answer.
This software is part of the dac ( project, Entity linker for the Dutch historical newspaper collection of the National Library of the Netherlands.
We've noticed a lot of misclassifications in our NER setup, so we've decided to combine the ouput of different NER packages. The following packages are used:
- Stanford NER (
- spaCy (
- polyglot (
- DBpedia Spotlight (
- Flair (
In our setup Stanford and Spotlight are the leading NER package's (So all these show up in the integrated results), only if 2 other NER packages agree on a NE, the answer show's up in the integrated results. If just Spotlight or Stanford see an NE, and none agree, it will still show up in the end result.
Example response:
"count": 3,
"type_certainty": 2,
"type": "person",
"right_context": "zich mij te vragen, of",
"pos": 1324,
"ne_context": "Manchon",
"ne": "Manchon",
"ner_src": [
"left_context": "op zijn allerlaatst verwaardigde mevrouw",
"types": [
In the example 3 NER packages have figured out "Manchon" is a NE, two of them agree that it is a person, and one thinks it's a location. Hence count: 3 and type_certainty 2. ner_src show's which packages think the current NE is a NE (in this case all of them). The context shows the surroundings of the NE.
All this information is picked-up by dac to weigh a possible match in WikiData/DBPedia.
MultiNER has only been tested using python 3, and is open-source with a MIT Licence.
There is a live demo available here:
Install notes:
See / Dockerfile and *.sh files for details.
Or run from docker:
docker build -t multiner:latest .
docker run -i -p 8099:8099 multiner:latest