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Thin F# wrapper around Npgsql, the PostgreSQL database driver for .NET


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Npgsql.FSharp Nuget

Thin F# wrapper for Npgsql, data provider for PostgreSQL.

This wrapper maps raw SQL data from the database into the Sql data structure making it easy to pattern match against and transform the results.

Given the types:

type SqlValue =
    | Short of int16
    | Int of int
    | Long of int64
    | String of string
    | Date of DateTime
    | Bool of bool
    | Number of double
    | Decimal of decimal
    | Bytea of byte[]
    | HStore of Map<string, string>
    | Uuid of Guid
    | TimeWithTimeZone of DateTimeOffset
    | Null

// A row is a list of key/value pairs
type SqlRow = list<string * SqlValue>

// A table is list of rows
type SqlTable = list<SqlRow>

Configure the connection string

open Npgsql.FSharp

// construct the connection string
let defaultConnection : string = "localhost"
    |> Sql.port 5432
    |> Sql.username "user"
    |> Sql.password "password"
    |> Sql.database "app_db"
    |> Sql.config "SslMode=Require;" // optional Config for connection string
    |> Sql.str

Execute query and read results as table then map the results

type User = {
    UserId : int
    FirstName: string
    LastName: string

let getAllUsers() : User list =
    |> Sql.connect
    |> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM \"users\""
    |> Sql.executeTable
    |> Sql.mapEachRow (function
        | [ "user_id", SqlValue.Int id
            "first_name", SqlValue.String fname
            "last_name", SqlValue.String lname ] ->
          let user =
            { UserId = id;
              FirstName = fname;
              LastName = lname }
          Some user
        | _ -> None)

Use option monad for reading row values:

let getAllUsers() : User list =
    |> Sql.connect
    |> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM \"users\""
    |> Sql.executeTable 
    |> Sql.mapEachRow (fun row ->
        option {
            let! id = Sql.readInt "user_id" row 
            let! fname = Sql.readString "first_name" row 
            let! lname = Sql.readString "last_name" row
            return { Id = id; FirstName = fname; LastName = lname }

Deal with null values and provide defaults

Notice we are not using let bang but just let instead

let getAllUsers() : User list =
    |> Sql.connect
    |> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM \"users\""
    |> Sql.executeTable 
    |> Sql.mapEachRow (fun row ->
        option {
            let! id = Sql.readInt "user_id" row 
            let fname = Sql.readString "first_name" row 
            let lname = Sql.readString "last_name" row
            return { 
                Id = id; 
                FirstName = defaultArg fname ""  
                LastName = defaultArg lname "" 

the library doesn't provide an option monad by default, you add your own or use this simple one instead:

type OptionBuilder() =
    member x.Bind(v,f) = Option.bind f v
    member x.Return v = Some v
    member x.ReturnFrom o = o
    member x.Zero () = None

let option = OptionBuilder()

Execute a function with parameters

/// Check whether or not a user exists by his username
let userExists (name: string) : bool =
    |> Sql.connect
    |> Sql.func "user_exists"
    |> Sql.parameters ["username", SqlValue.String name]
    |> Sql.executeScalar // SqlValue
    |> Sql.toBool

Async: Execute a function with parameters

/// Check whether or not a user exists by his username
let userExists (name: string) : Async<bool> =
    |> Sql.connect
    |> Sql.func "user_exists"
    |> Sql.parameters ["username", Sql.Value name]
    |> Sql.executeScalarAsync
    |> Sql.toBool

Parameterize queries with complex parameters like hstore

// Insert a book with it's attributes stored as HStore values
let bookAttributes =
    |> Map.add "isbn" "46243425212"
    |> Map.add "page-count" "423"
    |> Map.add "weight" "500g"

|> Sql.query "INSERT INTO \"books\" (id,title,attrs) VALUES (@bookId,@title,@attributes)"
|> Sql.parameters
    [ "bookId", Sql.Value 20
      "title", Sql.Value "Lord of the rings"
      "attributes", Sql.Value bookAttributes ]
|> Sql.prepare       // optionnal, see
|> Sql.executeNonQuery

Retrieve single value safely

// ping the database
let serverTime() : Option<DateTime> =
    |> Sql.connect
    |> Sql.query "SELECT NOW()"
    |> Sql.executeScalarSafe
    |> function
        | Ok (SqlValue.Date time) -> Some time
        | _ -> None

Retrieve single value safely asynchronously

// ping the database
let serverTime() : Async<Option<DateTime>> =
    async {
        let! result =
          |> Sql.connect
          |> Sql.query "SELECT NOW()"
          |> Sql.executeScalarSafeAsync

        match result with
        | Ok (SqlValue.Date time) -> return Some time
        | otherwise -> return None

Batch queries in a single roundtrip to the database

|> Sql.connect
|> Sql.queryMany
    ["SELECT * FROM \"users\""
     "SELECT * FROM \"products\""]
|> Sql.executeMany // returns list<SqlTable>
|> function
    | [ firstTable; secondTable ] -> (* do stuff *)
    | otherwise -> failwith "should not happen"

Variants of returns types for the execute methods

// read results as tables
Sql.executeTable // SqlTable
Sql.executeTableSafe // Result<SqlTable, exn>
Sql.executeTableTask // Task<SqlTable>
Sql.executeTableAsync // Async<SqlTable>
Sql.executeTableSafeAsync // Async<Result<SqlTable, exn>>
Sql.executeTableSafeTask // Task<Result<SqlTable, exn>>

// read results as scalar values
Sql.executeScalar // Sql
Sql.executeScalarSafe // Result<Sql, exn>
Sql.executeScalarAsync // Async<Sql>
Sql.executeScalarTask // Task<Sql>
Sql.executeTableSafeAsync // Async<Result<Sql, exn>>
Sql.executeTableSafeTask // Task<Result<Sql, exn>>

// execute and count rows affected
Sql.executeNonQuery // int
Sql.executeNonQueryAsync // Async<int>
Sql.executeNonQueryTask // Task<int>
Sql.executeNonQuerySafe // Result<int, exn>
Sql.executeNonQuerySafeAsync // Async<Result<int, exn>>
Sql.executeNonQuerySafeTask // Task<Result<int, exn>>

You can also try automated parsing:

type User = {
    UserId : int
    FirstName: string
    LastName: string

let getAllUsers() : User list =
    |> Sql.connect
    |> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM \"users\""
    |> Sql.executeTable // SqlTable
    |> Sql.parseEachRow<User>

Though watch out, as this is a relatively new feature and still needs some time and love:

  • The type parameter must be a record.
  • Fields' names must match exactly columns headers.
  • Only simple types are supported (see the definition of the "Sql" type).
  • You can turn a field into an option if it's defined as "Nullable" in your table:
type User = {
    UserId : int
    FirstName : string
    LastName : string
    Nickname : string option

To Run tests

Docker must be installed

build(.cmd or sh) StartDatabase
build RunTests
build StopDatabase


Thin F# wrapper around Npgsql, the PostgreSQL database driver for .NET







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  • F# 96.5%
  • Shell 2.6%
  • Other 0.9%