- 何为多线程 使用多线程发起html翻译请求
- 何为复合 使用多种网页翻译器,避免了同一时间内发起过多请求被反爬虫拦截
- 何为100%成功率 在降低同服务器请求频率下 将句子编码成小于5000一组,提高效率;对于所有服务器不可用的情况。有huggingFace的强大翻译模型提供支持
支持en ==> zh
c = CompositeTranslate().run(['red','blue','yellow'])
for i in c:
- What is multi-threading Use multiple threads to initiate html translation requests
- What is composite Using multiple web translators to avoid anti-crawlers intercepting too many requests launched at the same time
- What is a 100% success rate Encoding sentences into groups of less than 5000 with reduced frequency of requests from the same server increases efficiency; for cases where all servers are unavailable. Supported by huggingFace's powerful translation model
Support for en ==> zh
See import module
See section above
- all translate https://github.com/UlionTse/translators
- youdao google https://github.com/Chinese-boy/Many-Translaters
- baidu https://github.com/zachitect/B_Translate/blob/master/BD_Trans_Tool_v1.00.py
- huggingface https://huggingface.co/Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-zh
- Format-conversion-of-in-memory-audio
A simple tool class to compensate for the extremely slow loading of librosa, the inability to convert soundfiles to raw, and the difficulty of using wave https://github.com/JyzjYzjyZ/Format-conversion-of-in-memory-audio
- AutoViedoSubtitleGenerator
Using all the above techniques | as so as title https://github.com/JyzjYzjyZ/AutoViedoSubtitleGenerator