Expose the visualization-building power of d3 to curious users with a visual programming metaphor provided by blockly.
Check it out at http://bollwyvl.github.com/blockd3 It's a modification of the Blockly code demo, which has cool stuff like Python generation.
Blockly aims to present a high-level interface in blocks, allowing the 95% of end users to concentrate on what a program does, rather than how.
For this to work with d3, the implemented blocks must make it very easy to see what a particular d3 call is doing.
To serve as a proof of concept, blockd3 should support the most common d3 paradigm:
- a single SVG that fills the whole available area
- data formatted in a JSON-based list of uniformly-constructed items
- export to JavaScript for further tinkering.
Fork the repo, write code/test/docs, then make pull requests! Once you have the repo locally, you will need to run a webserver to be able to load the blockd3 files... all other assets will be pulled down from CDN or the blockly site:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Then just go to http://localhost:8000.
Make suggestions via the tickets!
Once the blockd3 API has stabilized, bl.ocks (or something like it) should be fun for sharing examples!
- block coverage of the d3 API
- As soon as possible, blockd3 should be extracted automatically from the source of the d3 API wiki, or at the very least be checked for coverage.
- immediate visual update
- support d3-plugins
Blockd3 is licensed under the Apache Public License.