A curated list of awesome resources for science and academia with a bias towards free and open source resources. Create a pull request or raise a github issue to add any resources to this list.
- Contents
- Organizing experiments and ideas
- Data visualization
- Statistics
- Reproducible research
- Coding
- Open source journals
- Writing
- Equipment
- Mentorship
- PhD resources
- Funny stuff
- Obsidian - free and open source mardown-based note taking software. There's a great large community continuously developping more features.
- Guides:
- Finding papers:
- Discussion forum:
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization by C. Wilke
- Ten Simple Rules for Better Figures
- Weissgerber et al., 2015, PLOS Biology
- Friends Don't Let Friends Make Bad Graphs
- How to lie with statistics [and data visualization] by D. Huff
- Making figures - basic design principles
- Colormaps:
- Colorblind-friendly:
- Online tool to check your figures: coblis
- MATLAB tool to check your figures: prettify_matlab
- Inkscape
- Scientific-inkscape plugin
- Getting logos, icons, ect.:
- Python:
- Seaborn, intro to the ideas behind seaborn here; matplotlib
- Pylustrator
- MATLAB: Plot beautifier - MATLAB
- R: ggplot2
- Common statistical tests are linear models (or: how to teach stats) - J. Lindeløv
- One test to rule them all: generating null distributions from your data
- How to lie with statistics by D. Huff
- Spurious correlations
- P-hacking
- Anscombe's quartet
- Open, rigorous and reproducible research: A practitioner’s handbook
- Open science course - Neuromatch
- General Principles:
- A Philosophy of Software Design book, talk
- The Good Research Code Handbook by P. Mineault
- Code formaters:
- Python: Black
- MATLAB: MBeautifier
- R: styler
- Code review
- Scientific results:
- Code:
- Peer-reviewed code publication: Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS)
- Code publication: Zenodo, guide to adding zenodo code to google scholar profile here.
- Books on writing:
- Videos on writing:
- Articles on writing:
- Some tips for writing science by M. Carandini
- Whitesides' group: writing a paper
- Rules of thumb for writing research articles by Hengl & Gould
- Ten simple rules for structuring papers by Mensh & Kording
- 10 tips on how we write papers by E. Sargent
- Health care articles with simple and declarative titles were more likely to be in the Altmetric Top 100
- Elsevier series on preparing a manuscript
- How to write clearly
- How to write consistently boring scientific literature by Sand-Jensen
- How to write an excellent Review article
- Courses on writing:
- Designs to 3D print: https://www.thingiverse.com/
- Yearly Planning Meetings: Individualized Development Plans Aren’t Just More Paperwork
- Wellcome: Tips for running your own research group
- Advice on starting your lab from Tim Behrens
- How to Pick a Graduate Advisor by Ben Barres
- How to Be a Graduate Advisee
- Doing a PhD: ten golden rules
- The importance of stupidity in scientific research by M Schwartz
- https://labrigger.com (General)
- https://matt.might.net/articles/ (General & Computer Science)
- https://backreaction.blogspot.com/ (General & Physics)
- https://terrytao.wordpress.com/ (General & Maths)
- https://www.thetransmitter.org/ (Neuroscience)