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Implement the new scheme for BSpline (and partial for NoInterp)
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This makes several major changes:
- it eliminates the generated functions and switches emphasis to the value domain rather than the type domain
- it uses OffsetArrays to handle the padding. When using interpolate!, the
  axes may be narrowed to account for the boundary conditions.
- now, the axes of the output correspond to the region where we can guarantee
  that we reconstruct the original array values
- switches to the bounds-checking framework in base (may not be working yet)
  • Loading branch information
timholy committed Aug 14, 2018
1 parent 00c34ee commit f862ac9
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Showing 27 changed files with 950 additions and 1,022 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions REQUIRE
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Expand Up @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ WoodburyMatrices 0.1.5
AxisAlgorithms 0.3.0
190 changes: 158 additions & 32 deletions src/Interpolations.jl
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Expand Up @@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ export
# scaling/scaling.jl

using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays
using WoodburyMatrices, Ratios, AxisAlgorithms, OffsetArrays
using StaticArrays, WoodburyMatrices, Ratios, AxisAlgorithms, OffsetArrays

import Base: convert, size, axes, getindex, promote_rule,
ndims, eltype, checkbounds
using Base: @propagate_inbounds
import Base: convert, size, axes, promote_rule, ndims, eltype, checkbounds

abstract type Flag end
abstract type InterpolationType <: Flag end
Expand All @@ -48,57 +48,183 @@ abstract type AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT<:DimSpec{InterpolationType},GT<:DimSp
abstract type AbstractInterpolationWrapper{T,N,ITPT,IT,GT} <: AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT} end
abstract type AbstractExtrapolation{T,N,ITPT,IT,GT} <: AbstractInterpolationWrapper{T,N,ITPT,IT,GT} end

struct Throw <: Flag end
struct Flat <: Flag end
struct Line <: Flag end
struct Free <: Flag end
struct Periodic <: Flag end
struct Reflect <: Flag end
struct InPlace <: Flag end
An abstract type with one of the following values (see the help for each for details):
- `Throw()`
- `Flat()`
- `Line()`
- `Free()`
- `Periodic()`
- `Reflect()`
- `InPlace()`
- `InPlaceQ()`
abstract type BoundaryCondition <: Flag end
struct Throw <: BoundaryCondition end
struct Flat <: BoundaryCondition end
struct Line <: BoundaryCondition end
struct Free <: BoundaryCondition end
struct Periodic <: BoundaryCondition end
struct Reflect <: BoundaryCondition end
struct InPlace <: BoundaryCondition end
# InPlaceQ is exact for an underlying quadratic. This is nice for ground-truth testing
# of in-place (unpadded) interpolation.
struct InPlaceQ <: Flag end
struct InPlaceQ <: BoundaryCondition end
const Natural = Line

@generated size(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}) where {T, N} = Expr(:tuple, [:(size(itp, $i)) for i in 1:N]...)
size(exp::AbstractExtrapolation, d) = size(exp.itp, d)
bounds(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}) where {T,N} = tuple(zip(lbounds(itp), ubounds(itp))...)
bounds(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}, d) where {T,N} = (lbound(itp,d),ubound(itp,d))
@generated lbounds(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}) where {T,N} = Expr(:tuple, [:(lbound(itp, $i)) for i in 1:N]...)
@generated ubounds(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}) where {T,N} = Expr(:tuple, [:(ubound(itp, $i)) for i in 1:N]...)
lbound(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}, d) where {T,N} = 1
ubound(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}, d) where {T,N} = size(itp, d)
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:AbstractInterpolation}) = IndexCartesian()

size(itp::AbstractInterpolation) = map(length, itp.parentaxes)
size(exp::AbstractExtrapolation) = size(exp.itp)
axes(itp::AbstractInterpolation) = itp.parentaxes
axes(exp::AbstractExtrapolation) = axes(exp.itp)

bounds(itp::AbstractInterpolation) = map(twotuple, lbounds(itp), ubounds(itp))
twotuple(r::AbstractUnitRange) = (first(r), last(r))
twotuple(x, y) = (x, y)
bounds(itp::AbstractInterpolation, d) = bounds(itp)[d]
lbounds(itp::AbstractInterpolation) = _lbounds(itp.parentaxes, itpflag(itp), gridflag(itp))
ubounds(itp::AbstractInterpolation) = _ubounds(itp.parentaxes, itpflag(itp), gridflag(itp))
_lbounds(axs::NTuple{N,Any}, itp, gt) where N = ntuple(d->lbound(axs[d], iextract(itp,d), iextract(gt,d)), Val(N))
_ubounds(axs::NTuple{N,Any}, itp, gt) where N = ntuple(d->ubound(axs[d], iextract(itp,d), iextract(gt,d)), Val(N))

itptype(::Type{AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}}) where {T,N,IT<:DimSpec{InterpolationType},GT<:DimSpec{GridType}} = IT
itptype(::Type{ITP}) where {ITP<:AbstractInterpolation} = itptype(supertype(ITP))
itptype(itp::AbstractInterpolation ) = itptype(typeof(itp))
itptype(itp::AbstractInterpolation) = itptype(typeof(itp))
itpflag(itp::AbstractInterpolation) =
gridtype(::Type{AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}}) where {T,N,IT<:DimSpec{InterpolationType},GT<:DimSpec{GridType}} = GT
gridtype(::Type{ITP}) where {ITP<:AbstractInterpolation} = gridtype(supertype(ITP))
gridtype(itp::AbstractInterpolation) = gridtype(typeof(itp))
gridflag(itp::AbstractInterpolation) =
ndims(::Type{AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}}) where {T,N,IT<:DimSpec{InterpolationType},GT<:DimSpec{GridType}} = N
ndims(::Type{ITP}) where {ITP<:AbstractInterpolation} = ndims(supertype(ITP))
ndims(itp::AbstractInterpolation) = ndims(typeof(itp))
eltype(::Type{AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}}) where {T,N,IT<:DimSpec{InterpolationType},GT<:DimSpec{GridType}} = T
eltype(::Type{ITP}) where {ITP<:AbstractInterpolation} = eltype(supertype(ITP))
eltype(itp::AbstractInterpolation) = eltype(typeof(itp))
count_interp_dims(::Type{T}, N) where {T<:AbstractInterpolation} = N

# Generic indexing methods (fixes #183)
Base.to_index(::AbstractInterpolation, i::Real) = i
n = count_interp_dims(ITP)
Count the number of dimensions along which type `ITP` is interpolating.
`NoInterp` dimensions do not contribute to the sum.
count_interp_dims(::Type{ITP}) where {ITP<:AbstractInterpolation} = count_interp_dims(itptype(ITP), ndims(ITP))
count_interp_dims(::Type{IT}, n) where {IT<:InterpolationType} = n * count_interp_dims(IT)
count_interp_dims(it::Type{IT}, n) where IT<:Tuple{Vararg{InterpolationType,N}} where N =
_count_interp_dims(0, it...)
@inline _count_interp_dims(c, ::IT1, args...) where IT1 =
_count_interp_dims(c + count_interp_dims(IT1), args...)
_count_interp_dims(c) = c

w = value_weights(degree, δx)
Compute the weights for interpolation of the value at an offset `δx` from the "base" position.
`degree` describes the interpolation scheme.
# Example
julia> Interpolations.value_weights(Linear(), 0.2)
(0.8, 0.2)
This corresponds to the fact that linear interpolation at `x + 0.2` is `0.8*y[x] + 0.2*y[x+1]`.
function value_weights end

w = gradient_weights(degree, δx)
Compute the weights for interpolation of the gradient at an offset `δx` from the "base" position.
`degree` describes the interpolation scheme.
# Example
julia> Interpolations.gradient_weights(Linear(), 0.2)
(-1.0, 1.0)
This defines the gradient of a linear interpolation at 3.2 as `y[4] - y[3]`.
function gradient_weights end

w = hessian_weights(degree, δx)
Compute the weights for interpolation of the hessian at an offset `δx` from the "base" position.
`degree` describes the interpolation scheme.
@inline function Base._getindex(::IndexCartesian, A::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}, I::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N} # ambiguity resolution
@inbounds r = getindex(A, I...)
# Example
julia> Interpolations.hessian_weights(Linear(), 0.2)
(0.0, 0.0)
Linear interpolation uses straight line segments, so the second derivative is zero.
function hessian_weights end

gradient1(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,1}, x) where {T} = gradient(itp, x)[1]
hessian1(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,1}, x) where {T} = hessian(itp, x)[1]

### Supporting expansion of CartesianIndex

const UnexpandedIndexTypes = Union{Number, AbstractVector, CartesianIndex}
const ExpandedIndexTypes = Union{Number, AbstractVector}

Base.to_index(::AbstractInterpolation, x::Number) = x

# Commented out because you can't add methods to an abstract type.
# @inline function (itp::AbstractInterpolation)(x::Vararg{UnexpandedIndexTypes})
# itp(to_indices(itp, x))
# end
function gradient(itp::AbstractInterpolation, x::Vararg{UnexpandedIndexTypes})
gradient(itp, to_indices(itp, x))
@inline function Base._getindex(::IndexCartesian, A::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}, I::Vararg{Real,N}) where {T,N}
@inbounds r = getindex(A, I...)
function gradient!(dest, itp::AbstractInterpolation, x::Vararg{UnexpandedIndexTypes})
gradient!(dest, itp, to_indices(itp, x))
function hessian(itp::AbstractInterpolation, x::Vararg{UnexpandedIndexTypes})
hessian(itp, to_indices(itp, x))
function hessian!(dest, itp::AbstractInterpolation, x::Vararg{UnexpandedIndexTypes})
hessian!(dest, itp, to_indices(itp, x))

# @inline function (itp::AbstractInterpolation)(x::Vararg{ExpandedIndexTypes})
# itp.(Iterators.product(x...))
# end
function gradient(itp::AbstractInterpolation, x::Vararg{ExpandedIndexTypes})
map(y->gradient(itp, y), Iterators.product(x...))
function hessian(itp::AbstractInterpolation, x::Vararg{ExpandedIndexTypes})
map(y->hessian(itp, y), Iterators.product(x...))

# getindex is supported only for Integer indices (deliberately)
import Base: getindex
@propagate_inbounds getindex(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}, i::Vararg{Integer,N}) where {T,N} = itp(i...)
@propagate_inbounds function getindex(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,1}, i::Integer, j::Integer) where T
@boundscheck (j == 1 || Base.throw_boundserror(itp, (i, j)))

# deprecate getindex for other numeric indices
@deprecate getindex(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}, i::Vararg{Number,N}) where {T,N} itp(i...)

# include("gridded/gridded.jl")
# include("extrapolation/extrapolation.jl")
# include("scaling/scaling.jl")
Expand Down
89 changes: 34 additions & 55 deletions src/b-splines/b-splines.jl
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ struct BSpline{D<:Degree} <: InterpolationType end
BSpline(::D) where {D<:Degree} = BSpline{D}()

bsplinetype(::Type{BSpline{D}}) where {D<:Degree} = D
bsplinetype(::BS) where {BS<:BSpline} = bsplinetype(BS)

degree(::BSpline{D}) where D<:Degree = D()
degree(::NoInterp) = NoInterp()

struct BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs<:AbstractArray,IT<:DimSpec{BSpline},GT<:DimSpec{GridType},Axs<:Tuple{Vararg{AbstractUnitRange,N}}} <: AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}
Expand All @@ -37,53 +41,44 @@ function BSplineInterpolation(::Type{TWeights}, A::AbstractArray{Tel,N}, it::IT,
BSplineInterpolation{T,N,typeof(A),IT,GT,typeof(axs)}(A, fix_axis.(axs), it, gt)

# Utilities for working either with scalars or tuples/tuple-types
iextract(::Type{T}, d) where {T<:BSpline} = T
iextract(t, d) = t.parameters[d]
padding(::Type{BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}}) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad} = pad
padding(itp::AbstractInterpolation) = padding(typeof(itp))
padextract(pad::Integer, d) = pad
padextract(pad::Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}, d) = pad[d]

lbound(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnGrid}, d::Integer) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT} =
first(axes(itp, d))
ubound(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnGrid}, d::Integer) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT} =
last(axes(itp, d))
lbound(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnCell}, d::Integer) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT} =
first(axes(itp, d)) - 0.5
ubound(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnCell}, d::Integer) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT} =
last(axes(itp, d))+0.5

lbound(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnGrid}, d, inds) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT} =
ubound(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnGrid}, d, inds) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT} =
lbound(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnCell}, d, inds) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT} =
first(inds) - 0.5
ubound(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnCell}, d, inds) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT} =

count_interp_dims(::Type{BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}}, n) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT<:DimSpec{InterpolationType},GT<:DimSpec{GridType},pad} = count_interp_dims(IT, n)

function size(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}, d) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}
d <= N ? size(itp.coefs, d) - 2*padextract(pad, d) : 1
coefficients(itp::BSplineInterpolation) = itp.coefs
interpdegree(itp::BSplineInterpolation) = interpdegree(itpflag(itp))
interpdegree(::BSpline{T}) where T = T()
interpdegree(it::Tuple{Vararg{Union{BSpline,NoInterp},N}}) where N = interpdegree.(it)

@inline axes(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad} =
indices_removepad.(axes(itp.coefs), pad)
# The unpadded defaults
lbound(ax, ::BSpline, ::OnCell) = first(ax) - 0.5
ubound(ax, ::BSpline, ::OnCell) = last(ax) + 0.5
lbound(ax, ::BSpline, ::OnGrid) = first(ax)
ubound(ax, ::BSpline, ::OnGrid) = last(ax)

fix_axis(r::Base.OneTo) = r
fix_axis(r::Base.Slice) = r
fix_axis(r::UnitRange) = Base.Slice(r)
fix_axis(r::AbstractUnitRange) = fix_axis(UnitRange(r))
function axes(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}, d) where {T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}
d <= N ? indices_removepad(axes(itp.coefs, d), padextract(pad, d)) : axes(itp.coefs, d)

count_interp_dims(::Type{BSI}, n) where BSI<:BSplineInterpolation = count_interp_dims(itptype(BSI), n)

function interpolate(::Type{TWeights}, ::Type{TC}, A, it::IT, gt::GT) where {TWeights,TC,IT<:DimSpec{BSpline},GT<:DimSpec{GridType}}
Apad = prefilter(TWeights, TC, A, it, gt)
BSplineInterpolation(TWeights, Apad, it, gt, axes(A))

itp = interpolate(A, interpmode, gridstyle)
Interpolate an array `A` in the mode determined by `interpmode` and `gridstyle`.
`interpmode` may be one of
- `BSpline(NoInterp())`
- `BSpline(Linear())`
- `BSpline(Quadratic(BC()))` (see [`BoundaryCondition`](@ref))
- `BSpline(Cubic(BC()))`
It may also be a tuple of such values, if you want to use different interpolation schemes along each axis.
`gridstyle` should be one of `OnGrid()` or `OnCell()`.
function interpolate(A::AbstractArray, it::IT, gt::GT) where {IT<:DimSpec{BSpline},GT<:DimSpec{GridType}}
interpolate(tweight(A), tcoef(A), A, it, gt)
Expand All @@ -109,24 +104,7 @@ function interpolate!(A::AbstractArray, it::IT, gt::GT) where {IT<:DimSpec{BSpli
interpolate!(tweight(A), A, it, gt)

offsetsym(off, d) = off == -1 ? Symbol("ixm_", d) :
off == 0 ? Symbol("ix_", d) :
off == 1 ? Symbol("ixp_", d) :
off == 2 ? Symbol("ixpp_", d) : error("offset $off not recognized")

# Ideally we might want to shift the indices symmetrically, but this
# would introduce an inconsistency, so we just append on the right
@inline indices_removepad(inds::Base.OneTo, pad) = Base.OneTo(length(inds) - 2*pad)
@inline indices_removepad(inds, pad) = oftype(inds, first(inds):last(inds) - 2*pad)
@inline indices_addpad(inds::Base.OneTo, pad) = Base.OneTo(length(inds) + 2*pad)
@inline indices_addpad(inds, pad) = oftype(inds, first(inds):last(inds) + 2*pad)
@inline indices_interior(inds, pad) = first(inds)+pad:last(inds)-pad

@static if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.3449"
lut!(dl, d, du) = lufact!(Tridiagonal(dl, d, du), Val{false})
lut!(dl, d, du) = lu!(Tridiagonal(dl, d, du), Val(false))
lut!(dl, d, du) = lu!(Tridiagonal(dl, d, du), Val(false))

Expand All @@ -137,4 +115,5 @@ include("prefiltering.jl")

Base.parent(A::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,UT}) where {T,N,TCoefs,UT<:Union{BSpline{Linear},BSpline{Constant}}} = A.coefs
Base.parent(A::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,UT}) where {T,N,TCoefs,UT} = throw(ArgumentError("The given BSplineInterpolation does not serve as a \"view\" for a parent array. This would only be true for Constant and Linear b-splines."))
Base.parent(A::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,UT}) where {T,N,TCoefs,UT} =
throw(ArgumentError("The given BSplineInterpolation does not serve as a \"view\" for a parent array. This would only be true for Constant and Linear b-splines."))

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