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Merge pull request #47 from tlycken/scaling
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RFC: Scaling of interpolation objects (fixes #25)
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Tomas Lycken committed Sep 21, 2015
2 parents 3d73d1d + d3c7a31 commit 7646fe9
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Showing 20 changed files with 324 additions and 46 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions perf/run_shootout.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ make_knots(A) = ntuple(d->collect(linspace(1,size(A,d),size(A,d))), ndims(A))
make_xi(A) = ntuple(d->collect(linspace(2,size(A,d)-1,size(A,d)-2)), ndims(A))

## Interpolations and Grid
function evaluate_grid(itp::Union(Array,Interpolations.AbstractInterpolation,Grid.InterpGrid), A)
function evaluate_grid(itp::Union{Array,Interpolations.AbstractInterpolation,Grid.InterpGrid), A}
s = zero(eltype(itp)) + zero(eltype(itp))
for I in iterrange(itp)
s += itp[I]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function evaluate_grid(itp::Dierckx.Spline2D, A)

# Slow approach for Dierckx
function evaluate_grid_scalar(itp::Union(Dierckx.Spline1D,Dierckx.Spline2D), A)
function evaluate_grid_scalar(itp::Union{Dierckx.Spline1D,Dierckx.Spline2D), A}
T = eltype(A)
s = zero(T) + zero(T)
for I in iterrange(A)
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21 changes: 17 additions & 4 deletions src/Interpolations.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,13 @@ export




Expand All @@ -22,21 +26,23 @@ export
# see the following files for further exports:
# b-splines/b-splines.jl
# extrapolation/extrapolation.jl
# scaling/scaling.jl

using WoodburyMatrices, Ratios, AxisAlgorithms

import Base: convert, size, getindex, gradient, promote_rule
import Base: convert, size, getindex, gradient, scale, promote_rule

abstract InterpolationType
immutable NoInterp <: InterpolationType end
abstract GridType
immutable OnGrid <: GridType end
immutable OnCell <: GridType end

typealias DimSpec{T} Union(T,Tuple{Vararg{Union(T,NoInterp)}},NoInterp)
typealias DimSpec{T} Union{T,Tuple{Vararg{Union{T,NoInterp}}},NoInterp}

abstract AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT<:DimSpec{InterpolationType},GT<:DimSpec{GridType}} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
abstract AbstractExtrapolation{T,N,ITPT,IT,GT} <: AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}
abstract AbstractInterpolationWrapper{T,N,ITPT,IT,GT} <: AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}
abstract AbstractExtrapolation{T,N,ITPT,IT,GT} <: AbstractInterpolationWrapper{T,N,ITPT,IT,GT}

abstract BoundaryCondition
immutable Flat <: BoundaryCondition end
Expand All @@ -53,7 +59,13 @@ typealias Natural Line
# TODO: size might have to be faster?
size{T,N}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}) = ntuple(i->size(itp,i), N)::NTuple{N,Int}
size(exp::AbstractExtrapolation, d) = size(exp.itp, d)
itptype{T,N,IT,GT}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}) = IT
bounds{T,N}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}) = tuple(zip(lbounds(itp), ubounds(itp))...)
bounds{T,N}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}, d) = (lbound(itp,d),ubound(itp,d))
lbounds{T,N}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}) = ntuple(i->lbound(itp,i), N)::NTuple{N,T}
ubounds{T,N}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}) = ntuple(i->ubound(itp,i), N)::NTuple{N,T}
lbound{T,N}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}, d) = convert(T, 1)
ubound{T,N}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}, d) = convert(T, size(itp, d))
itptype{T,N,IT,GT}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}) = IT
gridtype{T,N,IT,GT}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}) = GT

@inline gradient{T,N}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N}, xs...) = gradient!(Array(T,N), itp, xs...)
Expand All @@ -62,5 +74,6 @@ include("nointerp/nointerp.jl")

end # module
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/b-splines/b-splines.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ iextract(t, d) = t.parameters[d]
padextract(pad::Integer, d) = pad
padextract(pad::Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}, d) = pad[d]

lbound{T,N,TCoefs,IT}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnGrid}, d) = one(T)
ubound{T,N,TCoefs,IT}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnGrid}, d) = convert(T, size(itp, d))
lbound{T,N,TCoefs,IT}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnCell}, d) = convert(T, .5)
ubound{T,N,TCoefs,IT}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnCell}, d) = convert(T, size(itp, d) + .5)

@generated function size{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}, d)
d <= $N ? size(itp.coefs, d) - 2*padextract($pad, d) : 1
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/b-splines/indexing.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function gradient_impl{T,N,TCoefs,IT<:DimSpec{BSpline},GT<:DimSpec{GridType},Pad
gradient_exprs = Expr(:block, exs...)
length(g) == $n || throw(DimensionMismatch("Gradient has wrong number of components"))
length(g) == $n || throw(ArgumentError(string("The length of the provided gradient vector (", length(g), ") did not match the number of interpolating dimensions (", n, ")")))
@nexprs $N d->(x_d = xs[d])

# Calculate the indices of all coefficients that will be used
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/b-splines/prefiltering.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ function prefilter{TWeights,TCoefs,TSrc,N,IT<:Quadratic,GT<:GridType}(
prefilter!(TWeights, ret, BSpline{IT}, GT), Pad

function prefilter{TWeights,TCoefs,TSrc,N,IT<:Tuple{Vararg{Union(BSpline,NoInterp)}},GT<:DimSpec{GridType}}(
function prefilter{TWeights,TCoefs,TSrc,N,IT<:Tuple{Vararg{Union{BSpline,NoInterp}}},GT<:DimSpec{GridType}}(
::Type{TWeights}, ::Type{TCoefs}, A::Array{TSrc,N}, ::Type{IT}, ::Type{GT}
ret, Pad = copy_with_padding(TCoefs,A, IT)
Expand All @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function prefilter!{TWeights,TCoefs,N,IT<:Quadratic,GT<:GridType}(

function prefilter!{TWeights,TCoefs,N,IT<:Tuple{Vararg{Union(BSpline,NoInterp)}},GT<:DimSpec{GridType}}(
function prefilter!{TWeights,TCoefs,N,IT<:Tuple{Vararg{Union{BSpline,NoInterp}}},GT<:DimSpec{GridType}}(
::Type{TWeights}, ret::Array{TCoefs,N}, ::Type{IT}, ::Type{GT}
local buf, shape, retrs
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/b-splines/quadratic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function define_indices_d(::Type{BSpline{Quadratic{Periodic}}}, d, pad)
$symixm = mod1($symix - 1, size(itp,$d))
function define_indices_d{BC<:Union(InPlace,InPlaceQ)}(::Type{BSpline{Quadratic{BC}}}, d, pad)
function define_indices_d{BC<:Union{InPlace,InPlaceQ}}(::Type{BSpline{Quadratic{BC}}}, d, pad)
symix, symixm, symixp = symbol("ix_",d), symbol("ixm_",d), symbol("ixp_",d)
symx, symfx = symbol("x_",d), symbol("fx_",d)
pad == 0 || error("Use $BC only with interpolate!")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ function inner_system_diags{T,Q<:Quadratic}(::Type{T}, n::Int, ::Type{Q})

function prefiltering_system{T,TCoefs,BC<:Union(Flat,Reflect)}(::Type{T}, ::Type{TCoefs}, n::Int, ::Type{Quadratic{BC}}, ::Type{OnCell})
function prefiltering_system{T,TCoefs,BC<:Union{Flat,Reflect}}(::Type{T}, ::Type{TCoefs}, n::Int, ::Type{Quadratic{BC}}, ::Type{OnCell})
dl,d,du = inner_system_diags(T,n,Quadratic{BC})
d[1] = d[end] = -1
du[1] = dl[end] = 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ function prefiltering_system{T,TCoefs}(::Type{T}, ::Type{TCoefs}, n::Int, ::Type
Woodbury(lufact!(Tridiagonal(dl, d, du), Val{false}), rowspec, valspec, colspec), zeros(TCoefs, n)

function prefiltering_system{T,TCoefs,BC<:Union(Flat,Reflect)}(::Type{T}, ::Type{TCoefs}, n::Int, ::Type{Quadratic{BC}}, ::Type{OnGrid})
function prefiltering_system{T,TCoefs,BC<:Union{Flat,Reflect}}(::Type{T}, ::Type{TCoefs}, n::Int, ::Type{Quadratic{BC}}, ::Type{OnGrid})
dl,d,du = inner_system_diags(T,n,Quadratic{BC})
d[1] = d[end] = -1
du[1] = dl[end] = 0
Expand Down
17 changes: 7 additions & 10 deletions src/extrapolation/constant.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,15 +7,12 @@ ConstantExtrapolation{T,ITP,IT,GT}(::Type{T}, N, itp::ITP, ::Type{IT}, ::Type{GT
extrapolate{T,N,IT,GT}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}, ::Type{Flat}) =

function extrap_prep{T,ITP,IT}(exp::Type{ConstantExtrapolation{T,1,ITP,IT,OnGrid}}, x)
:(x = clamp(x, 1, size(exp,1)))
function extrap_prep{T,ITP,IT,GT}(etp::Type{ConstantExtrapolation{T,1,ITP,IT,GT}}, x)
:(x = clamp(x, lbound(etp,1), ubound(etp,1)))
function extrap_prep{T,ITP,IT}(exp::Type{ConstantExtrapolation{T,1,ITP,IT,OnCell}}, x)
:(x = clamp(x, .5, size(exp,1)+.5))
function extrap_prep{T,N,ITP,IT}(exp::Type{ConstantExtrapolation{T,N,ITP,IT,OnGrid}}, xs...)
:(@nexprs $N d->(xs[d] = clamp(xs[d], 1, size(exp,d))))
function extrap_prep{T,N,ITP,IT}(exp::Type{ConstantExtrapolation{T,N,ITP,IT,OnCell}}, xs...)
:(@nexprs $N d->(xs[d] = clamp(xs[d], .5, size(exp,d)+.5)))
function extrap_prep{T,N,ITP,IT,GT}(etp::Type{ConstantExtrapolation{T,N,ITP,IT,GT}}, xs...)
:(@nexprs $N d->(xs[d] = clamp(xs[d], lbound(etp,d), ubound(etp,d))))

lbound(etp::ConstantExtrapolation, d) = lbound(etp.itp, d)
ubound(etp::ConstantExtrapolation, d) = ubound(etp.itp, d)
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/extrapolation/error.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ ErrorExtrapolation{T,ITPT,IT,GT}(::Type{T}, N, itp::ITPT, ::Type{IT}, ::Type{GT}
extrapolate{T,N,IT,GT}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}, ::Type{Throw}) =

function extrap_prep{T,N,ITPT,IT}(exp::Type{ErrorExtrapolation{T,N,ITPT,IT,OnGrid}}, xs...)
:(@nexprs $N d->(@show 1 <= xs[d] <= size(exp,d) || throw(BoundsError())))
function extrap_prep{T,N,ITPT,IT,GT}(etp::Type{ErrorExtrapolation{T,N,ITPT,IT,GT}}, xs...)
:(@nexprs $N d->(lbound(etp,d) <= xs[d] <= ubound(etp,d) || throw(BoundsError())))

lbound(etp::ErrorExtrapolation, d) = lbound(etp.itp, d)
ubound(etp::ErrorExtrapolation, d) = ubound(etp.itp, d)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/extrapolation/extrapolation.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export Throw,
FilledInterpolation # for direct control over typeof(fillvalue)
FilledExtrapolation # for direct control over typeof(fillvalue)


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27 changes: 15 additions & 12 deletions src/extrapolation/filled.jl
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@@ -1,36 +1,39 @@
nindexes(N::Int) = N == 1 ? "1 index" : "$N indexes"

type FilledInterpolation{T,N,ITP<:AbstractInterpolation,IT,GT,FT} <: AbstractExtrapolation{T,N,ITP,IT,GT}
type FilledExtrapolation{T,N,ITP<:AbstractInterpolation,IT,GT,FT} <: AbstractExtrapolation{T,N,ITP,IT,GT}
@doc """
`FilledInterpolation(itp, fillvalue)` creates an extrapolation object that returns the `fillvalue` any time the indexes in `itp[x1,x2,...]` are out-of-bounds.
`FilledExtrapolation(itp, fillvalue)` creates an extrapolation object that returns the `fillvalue` any time the indexes in `itp[x1,x2,...]` are out-of-bounds.
By comparison with `extrapolate`, this version lets you control the `fillvalue`'s type directly. It's important for the `fillvalue` to be of the same type as returned by `itp[x1,x2,...]` for in-bounds regions for the index types you are using; otherwise, indexing will be type-unstable (and slow).
""" ->
function FilledInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}, fillvalue)
FilledInterpolation{T,N,typeof(itp),IT,GT,typeof(fillvalue)}(itp, fillvalue)
function FilledExtrapolation{T,N,IT,GT}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}, fillvalue)
FilledExtrapolation{T,N,typeof(itp),IT,GT,typeof(fillvalue)}(itp, fillvalue)

@doc """
`extrapolate(itp, fillvalue)` creates an extrapolation object that returns the `fillvalue` any time the indexes in `itp[x1,x2,...]` are out-of-bounds.
""" ->
extrapolate{T,N,IT,GT}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}, fillvalue) = FilledInterpolation(itp, convert(eltype(itp), fillvalue))
extrapolate{T,N,IT,GT}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}, fillvalue) = FilledExtrapolation(itp, convert(eltype(itp), fillvalue))

@generated function getindex{T,N}(fitp::FilledInterpolation{T,N}, args::Number...)
@generated function getindex{T,N}(fitp::FilledExtrapolation{T,N}, args::Number...)
n = length(args)
n == N || return error("Must index $(N)-dimensional interpolation objects with $(nindexes(N))")
meta = Expr(:meta, :inline)
# Check to see if we're in the extrapolation region, i.e.,
# out-of-bounds in an index
@nexprs $N d->((args[d] < 1 || args[d] > size(fitp.itp, d)) && return fitp.fillvalue)
@nexprs $N d->((args[d] < lbound(fitp,d) || args[d] > ubound(fitp, d)) && return fitp.fillvalue)
# In the interpolation region
return getindex(fitp.itp,args...)

getindex{T}(fitp::FilledInterpolation{T,1}, x::Number, y::Int) = y == 1 ? fitp[x] : throw(BoundsError())
getindex{T}(fitp::FilledExtrapolation{T,1}, x::Number, y::Int) = y == 1 ? fitp[x] : throw(BoundsError())

lbound(etp::FilledExtrapolation, d) = lbound(etp.itp, d)
ubound(etp::FilledExtrapolation, d) = ubound(etp.itp, d)
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/extrapolation/indexing.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
@generated function getindex{T}(exp::AbstractExtrapolation{T,1}, x)
@generated function getindex{T}(etp::AbstractExtrapolation{T,1}, x)
$(extrap_prep(exp, x))
$(extrap_prep(etp, x))

@generated function getindex{T,N,ITP,GT}(exp::AbstractExtrapolation{T,N,ITP,GT}, xs...)
@generated function getindex{T,N,ITP,GT}(etp::AbstractExtrapolation{T,N,ITP,GT}, xs...)
$(extrap_prep(exp, xs...))
$(extrap_prep(etp, xs...))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/gridded/gridded.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Gridded{D<:Degree}(::Type{D}) = Gridded{D}

griddedtype{D<:Degree}(::Type{Gridded{D}}) = D

typealias GridIndex{T} Union(AbstractVector{T}, Tuple)
typealias GridIndex{T} Union{AbstractVector{T}, Tuple}

# Because Ranges check bounds on getindex, it's actually faster to convert the
# knots to Vectors. It's also good to take a copy, so it doesn't get modified later.
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90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions src/scaling/scaling.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
export ScaledInterpolation

type ScaledInterpolation{T,N,ITPT,IT,GT,RT} <: AbstractInterpolationWrapper{T,N,ITPT,IT,GT}
ScaledInterpolation{T,ITPT,IT,GT,RT}(::Type{T}, N, itp::ITPT, ::Type{IT}, ::Type{GT}, ranges::RT) =
ScaledInterpolation{T,N,ITPT,IT,GT,RT}(itp, ranges)
`scale(itp, xs, ys, ...)` scales an existing interpolation object to allow for indexing using other coordinate axes than unit ranges, by wrapping the interpolation object and transforming the indices from the provided axes onto unit ranges upon indexing.
The parameters `xs` etc must be either ranges or linspaces, and there must be one coordinate range/linspace for each dimension of the interpolation object.
For every `NoInterp` dimension of the interpolation object, the range must be exactly `1:size(itp, d)`.
function scale{T,N,IT,GT}(itp::AbstractInterpolation{T,N,IT,GT}, ranges::Range...)
length(ranges) == N || throw(ArgumentError("Must scale $N-dimensional interpolation object with exactly $N ranges (you used $(length(ranges)))"))
for d in 1:N
if iextract(IT,d) != NoInterp
length(ranges[d]) == size(itp,d) || throw(ArgumentError("The length of the range in dimension $d ($(length(ranges[d]))) did not equal the size of the interpolation object in that direction ($(size(itp,d)))"))
elseif ranges[d] != 1:size(itp,d)
throw(ArgumentError("NoInterp dimension $d must be scaled with unit range 1:$(size(itp,d))"))


@generated function getindex{T,N,ITPT,IT<:DimSpec}(sitp::ScaledInterpolation{T,N,ITPT,IT}, xs::Number...)
length(xs) == N || throw(ArgumentError("Must index into $N-dimensional scaled interpolation object with exactly $N indices (you used $(length(xs)))"))
interp_types = length(IT.parameters) == N ? IT.parameters : tuple([IT.parameters[1] for _ in 1:N]...)
interp_dimens = map(it -> interp_types[it] != NoInterp, 1:N)
interp_indices = map(i -> interp_dimens[i] ? :(coordlookup(sitp.ranges[$i], xs[$i])) : :(xs[$i]), 1:N)
return :(getindex(sitp.itp, $(interp_indices...)))

getindex{T}(sitp::ScaledInterpolation{T,1}, x::Number, y::Int) = y == 1 ? sitp[x] : throw(BoundsError())

size(sitp::ScaledInterpolation, d) = size(sitp.itp, d)
lbound{T,N,ITPT,IT}(sitp::ScaledInterpolation{T,N,ITPT,IT,OnGrid}, d) = 1 <= d <= N ? sitp.ranges[d][1] : throw(BoundsError())
lbound{T,N,ITPT,IT}(sitp::ScaledInterpolation{T,N,ITPT,IT,OnCell}, d) = 1 <= d <= N ? sitp.ranges[d][1] - boundstep(sitp.ranges[d]) : throw(BoundsError())
ubound{T,N,ITPT,IT}(sitp::ScaledInterpolation{T,N,ITPT,IT,OnGrid}, d) = 1 <= d <= N ? sitp.ranges[d][end] : throw(BoundsError())
ubound{T,N,ITPT,IT}(sitp::ScaledInterpolation{T,N,ITPT,IT,OnCell}, d) = 1 <= d <= N ? sitp.ranges[d][end] + boundstep(sitp.ranges[d]) : throw(BoundsError())

boundstep(r::LinSpace) = ((r.stop - r.start) / r.divisor) / 2
boundstep(r::FloatRange) = r.step / 2
boundstep(r::StepRange) = r.step / 2
boundstep(r::UnitRange) = 1//2

Returns *half* the width of one step of the range.
This function is used to calculate the upper and lower bounds of `OnCell` interpolation objects.
""" boundstep

coordlookup(r::LinSpace, x) = (r.divisor * x + r.stop - r.len * r.start) / (r.stop - r.start)
coordlookup(r::FloatRange, x) = (r.divisor * x - r.start) / r.step + one(eltype(r))
coordlookup(r::StepRange, x) = (x - r.start) / r.step + one(eltype(r))
coordlookup(r::UnitRange, x) = x - r.start + one(eltype(r))
coordlookup(i::Bool, r::Range, x) = i ? coordlookup(r, x) : convert(typeof(coordlookup(r,x)), x)

gradient{T,N,ITPT,IT<:DimSpec}(sitp::ScaledInterpolation{T,N,ITPT,IT}, xs::Number...) = gradient!(Array(T,count_interp_dims(IT,N)), sitp, xs...)
@generated function gradient!{T,N,ITPT,IT}(g, sitp::ScaledInterpolation{T,N,ITPT,IT}, xs::Number...)
ndims(g) == 1 || throw(DimensionMismatch("g must be a vector (but had $(ndims(g)) dimensions)"))
length(xs) == N || throw(DimensionMismatch("Must index into $N-dimensional scaled interpolation object with exactly $N indices (you used $(length(xs)))"))

interp_types = length(IT.parameters) == N ? IT.parameters : tuple([IT.parameters[1] for _ in 1:N]...)
interp_dimens = map(it -> interp_types[it] != NoInterp, 1:N)
interp_indices = map(i -> interp_dimens[i] ? :(coordlookup(sitp.ranges[$i], xs[$i])) : :(xs[$i]), 1:N)

length(g) == $(count_interp_dims(IT, N)) || throw(ArgumentError(string("The length of the provided gradient vector (", length(g), ") did not match the number of interpolating dimensions (", $(count_interp_dims(IT, N)), ")")))
gradient!(g, sitp.itp, $(interp_indices...))
for i in eachindex(g)
g[i] = rescale_gradient(sitp.ranges[i], g[i])

rescale_gradient(r::LinSpace, g) = g * r.divisor / (r.stop - r.start)
rescale_gradient(r::FloatRange, g) = g * r.divisor / r.step
rescale_gradient(r::StepRange, g) = g / r.step
rescale_gradient(r::UnitRange, g) = g

Implements the chain rule dy/dx = dy/du * du/dx for use when calculating gradients with scaled interpolation objects.
""" rescale_gradient
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/extrapolation/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ etpf = @inferred(extrapolate(itpg, NaN))
@test_throws BoundsError etpf[2.5,2]
@test_throws ErrorException etpf[2.5,2,1] # this will probably become a BoundsError someday

etpf = @inferred(FilledInterpolation(itpg, 'x'))
etpf = @inferred(FilledExtrapolation(itpg, 'x'))
@test_approx_eq etpf[2] f(2)
@test etpf[-1.5] == 'x'

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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ include("b-splines/runtests.jl")
# extrapolation tests

# scaling tests

# # test gradient evaluation

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