This package is a rework of the Lie group features of Manifolds.jl
in a unified way into a separate package. It especially puts more focus on the Lie group defaults and handling the corresponding Lie algebra.
In Julia you can install this package by typing
using Pkg; Pkg.add("LieGroups")
in the Julia REPL.
Since this is a rework of the features from Manifolds.jl
, both LieGroups.jl
and Manifolds.jl
0.10 export a few types of same name, for example Identity
While LieGroups.jl
depends on Manifolds.jl
, it is not recommended to load both into the same namespace, that is, doing using Manifolds.jl, LieGroups.jl
, since then these conflicts might lead to unforeseen errors, where you would need to specify the namespace to resolve this ambiguity.
See transition from Manifolds.jl for a comprehensive list.
This especially also includes a few different choices in default behaviour that
is different from the Manifolds.jl
one. For purely manifold-based operations, any Lie group still is “build upon” a Riemannian manifold.
See #5 for an overview of features that we plan to implement. Feel free to add to this list with opening further issues.