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Add new root status when the presence (but not uniqueness) of a solution is known #100



For Krawczyk and Newton method, the fact that a contracted interval is subset of the original interval is a sufficient condition for the presence of a solution.

The proposition here is to add a new root status :exist that correspoond to this information.

This can be usefull when solving for equations with a continuous set of solution, for which this situation is common, it allows to prove the presence of a solution in some region.

See a dummy example below.

julia> import ForwardDiff: jacobian

julia> using StaticArrays

julia> f(xx) = SVector(xx[1] + xx[2], xx[1] + xx[2])
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> rts = roots(f, IntervalBox(-1..1, 2), Krawczyk)
4559-element Array{Root{IntervalBox{2,Float64}},1}:
 Root([0.00721069, 0.00813498] × [-0.0078125, -0.00690255], :unknown)
 Root([-0.0078125, -0.00690255] × [0.00721069, 0.00813498], :unknown)
 Root([-0.000359588, 0.000564693] × [-0.000359588, 0.000564693], :unknown)
 Root([0.00339598, 0.00433482] × [-0.00411516, -0.00319087], :unknown)
 Root([0.00528843, 0.00624206] × [-0.00597828, -0.00505399], :unknown)
 Root([0.00624205, 0.0072107] × [-0.00690256, -0.00597827], :unknown)
 Root([0.00624205, 0.0072107] × [-0.0078125, -0.00690255], :unknown)
 Root([0.00528843, 0.00624206] × [-0.00690256, -0.00597827], :unknown)
 Root([0.00433481, 0.00528844] × [-0.005054, -0.00411515], :unknown)
 Root([0.00433481, 0.00528844] × [-0.00597828, -0.00505399], :unknown)
 Root([-0.324746, -0.323745] × [0.32355, 0.324535], :unknown)
 Root([-0.323243, -0.32273] × [0.322566, 0.323551], :unknown)
 Root([-0.323746, -0.323242] × [0.322566, 0.323551], :unknown)
 Root([-0.325745, -0.324745] × [0.324534, 0.325535], :unknown)
 Root([-0.332648, -0.331663] × [0.332452, 0.332957], :unknown)
 Root([-0.331664, -0.330664] × [0.331453, 0.332453], :unknown)
 Root([-0.332648, -0.331663] × [0.331453, 0.332453], :unknown)
 Root([-0.333632, -0.332647] × [0.332956, 0.333468], :unknown)
 Root([-0.333632, -0.332647] × [0.332452, 0.332957], :unknown)
 Root([-0.331664, -0.330664] × [0.330453, 0.331454], :unknown)

julia> X = interval(rts[1])
[0.00433481, 0.00528844] × [-0.00597828, -0.00505399]

julia> C = Krawczyk(f, x -> jacobian(f, x))
Krawczyk{typeof(f),getfield(Main, Symbol("##9#10"))}(f, getfield(Main, Symbol("##9#10"))())

julia> status, CX = C(X, 1e-15)

julia> issubset(CX, X)

PS: I'm actually volunteer to implement it when I found a bit of time, but I prefer to first raise it as an issue as I suspect I may have overlooked something preventing this.



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