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Quick Start

At the most top level, this pkg export a single function get_events_cat_name, that can be used to get (detailed) Indico events within a category number, by events' :title:

julia> t = get_events_catnum_name("", 1X3X, "XXXXX"; from="2021-06-10", to="2021-06-30", apikey=".....", secretkey="....");

julia> t[1]
JSON3.Object{Vector{UInt8}, SubArray{UInt64, 1, Vector{UInt64}, Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}}, true}} with 29 entries:
  :_type            => "Conference"
  :id               => "10521XX"
  :title            => "XXXXX group meeting"
  :description      => ""
  :startDate        => {…
  :timezone         => "Europe/Zurich"
  :endDate          => {…
  :room             => ""
  :location         => ""
  :address          => ""
  :type             => "meeting"
  :references       => Union{}[]
  :_fossil          => "conferenceMetadataWithSubContribs"
  :categoryId       => 1X3X
  :category         => "Harvard University"
  :note             => {…
  :roomFullname     => ""
  :url              => ""
  :creationDate     => {…
  :creator          => {…
  :hasAnyProtection => true
  :roomMapURL       => nothing
  :folders          => JSON3.Object[{…
  :chairs           => Union{}[]
  :material         => JSON3.Object[{…
  :keywords         => Union{}[]
  :visibility       => {…
  :allowed          => {…
  :contributions    => JSON3.Object[{…

There are lower level stuff (more like utility functons I guess) in case you want to hack around. Feel free to raise quality of life improvement feature request.

julia> Indicomb.get_indico_page("", "/export/categ/1135.json";apikey=".....", secret_key="xxxxxx", from="2021-06-01", to="2030-06-01")
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


  • Ship a HTML page generation script and a CSS