This package provides the core functionality for Currencies.jl.
The currency-related information for this package comes from this Wikipedia page, the official ISO standard, and other Wikipedia pages. It is compiled manually and may be in error; please do submit a pull request to correct any errors.
This file provides a basic guide to getting started. It is not a replacement for the documentation. Please file any corrections or missing parts of the documentation as issues, or even better, send in a pull request.
The Currencies
module exports the Monetary
type. To access currencies, use the @usingcurrencies
macro. Basic operation is as follows:
@usingcurrencies USD
1USD + 2USD # 3.00 USD
3 * 1.5USD # 4.50 USD
Mixed arithmetic is not supported:
@usingcurrencies USD, CAD
10USD + 3CAD # ArgumentError
Monetary amounts can be compared:
@usingcurrencies USD, EUR
1USD < 2USD # true
sort([2EUR, 1EUR]) # [1EUR, 2EUR]
types behave a lot like integer types, and they can be used like them for a lot of practical situations. For example, here is a (quite fast) function to give optimal change using the common European system of having coins and bills worth 0.01€, 0.02€, 0.05€, 0.10€, 0.20€, 0.50€, 1.00€, and so forth until 500.00€ (this algorithm doesn't necessarily work for all combinations of coin values).
@usingcurrencies EUR
COINS = [500EUR, 200EUR, 100EUR, 50EUR, 20EUR, 10EUR, 5EUR, 2EUR, 1EUR, 0.5EUR,
0.2EUR, 0.1EUR, 0.05EUR, 0.02EUR, 0.01EUR]
function change(amount::Monetary{:EUR,Int})
coins = Dict{Monetary{:EUR,Int}, Int}()
for denomination in COINS
coins[denomination], amount = divrem(amount, denomination)
sum([k*v for (k, v) in change(167.25EUR)]) # 167.25EUR