I've been playing around with DS9.jl
for a while now and figured a couple things could be addressed.
In particular the way array data is transferred between XPA and Julia permutes each dimension, since Julia is column-ordered. Using PyDS9 through PyCall will correctly orient the data (something in PyCall makes sure arrays show up in python knowing they are column-oriented), but the same image put through DS9.jl will be transposed.
At a low-level, I'm not sure if there is an appropriate way to write things in XPA.jl
to make sure when the array pointers are given they are column ordered, if that's even a thing. At a higher level, within this library when set
encounters an array, it should permute it appropriately to become row-ordered.
I also work with 3d data frequently, and it seems pretty trivial to add the feature here. I've coded up a version that seems to work-
function set(arr::DenseArray{T,3};
new::Bool=false) where {T<:PixelTypes}
!new && set("frame delete all"); set("frame new")
args = String[]
push!(args, "array")
if mask; push!(args, "mask"); end
parr = permutedims(arr, (3, 2, 1))
set(args..., _arraydescriptor(parr; endian=endian); data=parr)
function _arraydescriptor(arr::DenseArray{T,3};
endian::Symbol=:native) where {T}
bp = bitpix_of(T)
bp != 0 || error("unsupported data type")
return string("[xdim=",size(arr,1),",ydim=",size(arr,2),",zdim=",size(arr,3),
I'm happy to wrap this up in a PR, but I wanted to discuss the transposition issue first.