Box-least-squares (BLS) periodograms in pure Julia.
To install use Pkg. From the REPL, press ]
to enter Pkg-mode
pkg> add BoxLeastSquares
If you want to use the most up-to-date version of the code, check it out from main
pkg> add BoxLeastSquares#main
First, import the package, optionally aliasing the package name
julia> using BoxLeastSquares
julia> import BoxLeastSquares as BLS
now, load some data. If you don't have an estimate of the y error it will default to 1.
julia> t, y, yerr = # produce data
The primary interface is through the BLS
julia> result = BLS(t, y, yerr; duration=0.16)
input dim: 1000
output dim: 1820
period range: 0.32 - 5.014724142709022
duration range: 0.16 - 0.16
objective: likelihood
period: 1.99930396919953
duration: 0.16
t0: 0.5001330656464655
depth: 0.19594118110109113 ± 0.0008688097746093883
snr: 225.52828804117118
log-likelihood: 27396.365214805144
The transit parameters at the maximum power can be retrieved using BoxLeastSquares.params
julia> BoxLeastSquares.params(result)
(power = 27396.365214805144, period = 1.99930396919953, duration = 0.16, t0 = 0.5001330656464655, depth = 0.19594118110109113, depth_err = 0.0008688097746093883, snr = 225.52828804117118, loglike = 27396.365214805144)
The period grid was automatically determined using autoperiod
, but you can supply your own, too:
julia> periods = exp.(range(log(2) - 0.1, log(2) + 0.1, length=1000));
julia> result_fine = BLS(t, y, yerr; duration=0.12:0.01:0.20, periods=periods)
input dim: 1000
output dim: 1000
period range: 1.809674836071919 - 2.210341836151295
duration range: 0.12 - 0.2
objective: likelihood
index: 503
period: 2.001001251543549
duration: 0.168
t0: 0.4961330656464656
depth: 0.19466955969052016 ± 0.0008627202098527317
snr: 225.64622628204188
log-likelihood: 27457.6383039924
BoxLeastSquares.jl is fully compatible with Unitful.jl
(although it is not a dependency of the library). For example
julia> using Unitful
julia> tu = t * u"d";
julia> results_units = BLS(tu, y, yerr; duration=(2:0.1:4)u"hr")
input dim: 1000
output dim: 3343
period range: 0.3333333333333333 d - 4.988348864592586 d
duration range: 2.0 hr - 4.0 hr
objective: likelihood
index: 2986
period: 2.0019235780121827 d
duration: 3.8000000000000003 hr
t0: 0.4916330656464656 d
depth: 0.19445716575012517 ± 0.0008692454825826517
snr: 223.70799693127577
log-likelihood: 26953.643422397385
If you would like to contribute, feel free to open a pull request. If you want to discuss something before contributing, head over to discussions and join or open a new topic. If you're having problems with something, open an issue.