Helper functions to work with @kwdef
-defined structs.
Currently, only provides the kwdef_defaults(T)
function that extracts default arguments:
kwdef_defaults(::Type{T}; kwargs...)::NamedTuple
Evaluate the default argument values for a type `T` that was defined with `@kwdef`.
Returns an empty `NamedTuple` for non-`@kwdef` structs.
Pass `kwargs...` to override the defaults or provide additional arguments.
Note: `kwdef_defaults()` uses code introspection to extract the default values, it is not recommended for use in performance-critical code.
# Examples
julia> @kwdef struct MyS{T}
somefield = 123
another::Union{Int,Nothing} = nothing
lastone::Vector{T} = [1+2im, somemore, somefield]
julia> kwdef_defaults(MyS)
(somefield = 123, another = nothing)
julia> kwdef_defaults(MyS; somemore=567)
(somefield = 123, another = nothing, somemore = 567, lastone = [1 + 2im, 567, 123])