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Migrating from 1.x to 2.x

Jones Magloire edited this page Oct 30, 2021 · 2 revisions


The main idea was to migrate from riotjs 3 to riotjs 5. But the new syntax of the library allowed me to improve the code and I took the opportunity to make major changes which I hope you will like.

Having two different versions for this project was often difficult to maintain and use for newcomers (see #154). That's why I decided to produce only one build instead of two. Now the static tag will be deprecated, you will be required to use the latest tag and here are the changes to be made.

New and renamed options

  • NEW SINGLE_REGISTRY: If you are coming from the static version, you will have to set this new environment variable to true (SINGLE_REGISTRY=true).
  • CHANGED REGISTRY_URL has been renamed to NGINX_PROXY_PASS_URL, this name is much clearer, thanks to this we know that the option will modify the nginx configuration.
  • CHANGED URL has been renamed to REGISTRY_URL, because it's the URL of your registry 😅.

List of all available options

  • REGISTRY_URL: The default url of your docker registry. (default: derived from the hostname of your UI).
  • REGISTRY_TITLE: Set a custom title for your user interface. (default: value derived from REGISTRY_URL).
  • PULL_URL: Set a custom url when you copy the docker pull command. (default: value derived from REGISTRY_URL).
  • DELETE_IMAGES: Set if we can delete images from the UI. (default: false)
  • SHOW_CONTENT_DIGEST: Show content digest in docker tag list. (default: false)
  • CATALOG_ELEMENTS_LIMIT: Limit the number of elements in the catalog page. (default: 100000).
  • SINGLE_REGISTRY: Remove the menu that show the dialogs to add, remove and change the endpoint of your docker registry. (default false)
  • NGINX_PROXY_PASS_URL: Update the default Nginx configuration and set the proxy_pass to your backend docker registry (this avoid CORS configuration).
  • NGINX_PROXY_HEADER_*: Update the default Nginx configuration and set custom headers for your backend docker registry. Only when NGINX_PROXY_PASS_URL is used.
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