🌐 Online project 👉️ Alpha Blog
"A simple blog post management system - webapp" in which you can create articles of any topics you watend. Features:
- Minimalist
- Able to create new categories to keep track on certain topics of interest
- Able to show your gravatar as profile picture
- Ruby on Rails
- Bootstrap
- Webpack
- Heroku (deployment)
- Ruby on Rails
- How to set-up a basic ROR project
- Native ROR CRUD creation
- Active Record Migrations manipulation
- Active Record Model validations
- Database manipulation through Rails console using Active Record Query Interface
- Models relation (one to many, many to many)
- Routing
- Views Partial
- Gems management
- Minitest
- Model and Controller assertions
- Bootstrap
- Add components and manage bootstrap classes
- Override default bootstap classes
- Integrate JQuery with bootstrap
- Heroku
- How to deploy an app
- Heroku CLI