A small example of compiling a low-level language into WebAsembly, running it in a NodeJS environment, and providing an additional performance analysis against the two.
In this particular example an iterative binary search solution is implemented in both javascript in C++.
Over 50 tests the C++ implementation appears to be an average of 2x faster than the javascript counterpart.
The compilation time of the C++ / WASM version seems to be much more consistent than the javascript.
Ensure the docker script has permissions: dockerisedCompileAndRun
Run: npm run dc:up-build
Compile the C++ into WASM and the .js glue code required.
chmod +x ./compile.sh
npm run compile
npm start
Filling array of size 600000 with random numbers, and sorting
Testing 50 times
Calculating averages
javascript average 0.01441944
wasm average 0.00586366
You should be able to easily swap out the BinarySearch implementation for your own function you'd like to test.
Just replace the anonymous function that is passed in as a parameter to the checkPerformance