Lila is a programming language design for exploring data andget usefull information and tips about the data declared in the program.
This was built with python and antlr4.
An example of all the special functions in this programming language is the following:
lila arreglos
var int[15] grades, age;
text[15] students;
grades[0] = 90;
grades[1] = 71;
grades[2] = 95;
grades[3] = 76;
grades[4] = 9;
grades[5] = 100;
grades[6] = 90;
grades[7] = 85;
grades[8] = 99;
grades[9] = 100;
grades[10] = 100;
grades[11] = 90;
grades[12] = 97;
grades[13] = 96;
grades[14] = 89;
age[0] = 18;
age[1] = 18;
age[2] = 19;
age[3] = 19;
age[4] = 17;
age[5] = 18;
age[6] = 19;
age[7] = 16;
age[8] = 18;
age[9] = 19;
age[10] = 19;
age[11] = 20;
age[12] = 20;
age[13] = 20;
age[14] = 21;
students[0] = "LAURA";
students[1] = "LUISA";
students[2] = "JUAN";
students[3] = "ANTONIO";
students[4] = "LUIS";
students[5] = "ITZEL";
students[6] = "ERNESTO";
students[7] = "ALEXANDER";
students[8] = "FRANCISCO";
students[9] = "JULIAN";
students[10] = "BERTHA";
students[11] = "MONICA";
students[12] = "JULIAN";
students[13] = "MANUEL";
students[14] = "JESUS";
// Where to start?
// lets see the data visualy
// Ok lets see the mean
// Now lets see who are the atypical grades
// Lets see if there is a correlation between ages and grades
// Lets bee cool and round the 99 to 100
// Hmm... now lets think what would happend if those atypical students were not present in the data
// lets see now
To run your lila code file (.li), please run this:
python <yourfile>.li
To run antlr4: g4 antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 Lila.g4
On CodeExamples folder check exampleMaster If you are using windows, run the next commands in cmd:
doskey antlr4=java org.antlr.v4.Tool $*
doskey grun =java org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig $*