【东南大学人工智能学院课程实验与小型项目】 Part of the course experiment I have done in SEU AI (Southeast University School of Artificial Intelligence).
Course Homeworks from GAMES101
- exp1: Yanghui Triangel + convolution + game-wounded monster blooding
- exp2: FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation)
- exp3: Filter Algorithm
- exp1: Knowledge Modeling (I) - Protege: creat OWL KG
- exp2: Knowledge Modeling (II) - Protege: Full quantifiers and existential quantifiers
- exp3: Knowledge Reasoning (I) - RDFox: Datalog Rule (JAVA)
- exp4: Knowledge Reasoning (II) - RDFox: Atomic Type (JAVA)
- exp5: Knowledge Embedding - OpenKE: KE with Pytorch on Ubuntu
- exp6: Knowledge Alignment - OpenEA: Entity Alignment with Pytorch on Ubuntu
- exp7: Knowledge Querying (I) - RDF4J and Eclipse
- exp8: Knowledge Querying (II) - Neo4J with Cipher Rule
- lab1: Building Your Own Cybersecurity Lab
- lab2: Linux User Authentication
- lab3: Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Lab
- lab4: Hash Attacks
- lab5: TCP/IP Attack Lab
- Final lab: OpenSSL - Hands-on Exercise Part Secure Communication with Stunnel
- Course Project: SQL Injection and Prevention
- Designated Planning Problems:
- Building block world + air cargo + tire changing (PDDL)
- Transport trolley (C++)
- Self-defined Planning Problems
- Eight digit problem (C++)
- Four grid environment sweeping robot (PDDL)
- exp1: GPIO experiment
- exp2: WDT experiment
- exp3: I^2C experiment
- AHP RI Caculation
- HILL encode-decode
Fill some functions into the framework given by Prof. GAO Zhiqiang
[Matlab] [Python-MXNET]
- hw1: Canny Edge Detection
- hw2: RANSAC Algorithm
final-project: FCN-resnet Application
final project-Reproduction of BiLSTM-Sentiment Analysis
JIDIAI Competition Submission
A Simple Front End Construction of College Entrance Examination Volunteer Recommendation System
exp: Graph and Network (Code with a PDF Report)