use CNN / DNN to classify the label of the image (cat/dog); image argumentation / transfer learning -> 95% accuracy or above
- tensorflow == 2.7 & python == 3.8.0 (very important as tensorflow > 2.7 changes preprocess api)
- pillow (any version) for image loader
- matplotlib, numpy for data processing and graph
- Download the cats-vs-dogs zip from
- Manually delete two dbs in ImagePet/Dogs and ImagePet/Cats
- !wget --no-check-certificate
"", notebook will automatically download it. - !find /tmp/PetImages/ -type f ! -name "*.jpg" -exec rm {} +' two dbs in the pets image will automatically delete
- Download the model weight data from
- Don't recommand run it locally!!!
- Otherwise run it applying GPUs:
pip install tensorflow-gpu
import tensorflow as tf
print("Num GPUs Available: ", len(tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')))