Is from Texas, USA
Texas, USA
Works for Les Yétis
Les Yétis
Works for Computational Linguist
Computational Linguist
Works for William and Mary
William and Mary
Works for Automated It Solutions
Automated It Solutions
Works for ex-CTO @zlab-foss
ex-CTO @zlab-foss
Is from my own world
my own world
Is from Dhaka,Bangladesh
Works for Fontlab Ltd.
Fontlab Ltd.
Works for Mahidol University
Mahidol University
Is from Sauntering in the Milky Way Galaxy
Sauntering in the Milky Way Galaxy
Works for İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Is from Vancouver, Canada
Vancouver, Canada
Works for Independent University Bangladesh (IUB)
Independent University Bangladesh (IUB)
Works for Self-Employed
Is from Amman, Jordan
Amman, Jordan
Works for (Pretoria)732-740-5036
Works for @Taiyuan University of Technology
@Taiyuan University of Technology
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