When Attempting to loadSavedModel, I Encountered 'java.lang.Exception: Could Not Retrieve the SavedModelBundle + () #14215
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I fine-tuned a T5 model from Hugging Face and wanted to import it into Spark NLP.
Current Behavior
I followed the instructions from [https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/blob/master/examples/python/transformers/HuggingFace%20in%20Spark%20NLP%20-%20BERT.ipynb], and as I tried to loadSavedModel in Spark NLP, it reported "Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling z:com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.seq2seq.BartTransformer.loadSavedModel: java.lang.Exception: Could not retrieve the SavedModelBundle + ()". Afterward, I attempted to import several other models like t5-base and bart from Hugging Face, and I encountered the same problem.
Expected Behavior
I hope that my fine-tuned T5 model can be successfully loaded in the spark nlp. Or if possible, could anyone make a similar instruction that how to import seq2seq model such as T5 and Bart from huggingface to sparknlp?
Steps To Reproduce
MODEL_NAME = 'google-t5/t5-small'
tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
from transformers import TFAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, TFT5ForConditionalGeneration
model = TFT5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
@tf. function(
tf.TensorSpec(name="input_ids", shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.int32),
tf.TensorSpec(name="attention_mask", shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.int32)
def serving_fn(input_ids, attention_mask):
outputs = model.generate(
# length_penalty=0.9,
# repetition_penalty=2.0,
# num_beams=4,
# early_stopping=True,
return {"sequences": outputs["sequences"]}
model.save_pretrained("./{}".format(MODEL_NAME), saved_model=True, signatures={'serving_default':serving_fn})
asset_path = '{}/saved_model/1/assets'.format(MODEL_NAME)
!cp {MODEL_NAME}_tokenizer/spiece.model {asset_path}
labels = model.config.id2label
labels = [value for key, value in sorted(labels.items(), reverse=False)]
with open(asset_path+'/labels.txt', 'w') as f:
spark = sparknlp.start()
from sparknlp.annotator import *
T5 = T5Transformer.loadSavedModel('{}/saved_model/1'.format(MODEL_NAME), spark)
Spark NLP version and Apache Spark
spark nlp version: '5.3.2'
spark version: '3.5.1'
tensorflow version: '2.15.0'
transformer version: '4.39.1'
Type of Spark Application
Python Application
Java Version
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