The goal is create an easy environment with all dependencies to work on getting caravel working with Apache Drill
- Edit the and files and edit the DOCKERIMG and PROJECTDIR variables to match your project (DOCKERIMG should match in both files)
- Run - This builds the docker container
- Run This drops you into /app/caravel in the container. If this is the first time you've run things, run to config things.
- Caravel will be running now! If you want to reuse config, run
caravel runserver -d
- We use host networking to make this easier. If you have something running on port 8088 on your docker host, it will conflict.
- After the initial config ( the files for the caravel sqllite DB are created on the host. So even if you stop the image, your sqllite will be maintained.
- The and is copied into ./working (and thus /app/caravel) everytime you run Thus if you want to start form scratch. Just stop the container and rm ./working/*
- If you make changes to it will copy to to working each time you run it.
- I want to explore the Flask caching more, just haven't yet.
- This container comes with the MapR ODBC Driver and PyODBC (with UnixODBC) Installed
- To use rename to
- Once renamed, updated the python to use your hostnames, select ZK or DIRECT, and then put in your credentials (for testing)
- If the file exists, the will copy it to /app/caravel in the container for testing.
- This is just a basic demonstration that pyodbc, in the container is working.
- We do not install the SQL Alchemy dialect in the Docker container (Because it't not complete or working) or include it in this repo
- It can be found here:
- To install it, set the path to it in and it will be mounted /app, cd here and run "python install"
- This is NOT FULLY WORKING (hence why it is not in the container) It's a copy of the Access dialect, that is slowly morphing into a drill dialect.
- Follow issues and contribute issues at