PROME Clothing E-Shop is an upcoming online fashion store. Currently under development, it's leveraging technologies like TypeScript, Express.js, and EJS to deliver an elegant and seamless shopping experience. Once completed, it will demonstrate effective management of server-side rendering, routing, static file serving, and data handling.
The goal of this project is to create an online shop where users can browse through different clothing items. The front-end is developed using EJS for templating and Bootstrap for styling, while the backend is powered by Express.js running on Node.js.
- Node.js
- npm or yarn
- Clone this repository.
git clone
- Install NPM packages.
npm install
yarn install
- Compile TypeScript to JavaScript
npm run build
- Start the server.
npm run start
yarn install
- /src: Contains all the TypeScript files.
- /src/views: Contains all the EJS template files.
- /public: Contains static files like CSS and images.
- app.ts: The main application file.
None yet. :)
- Complete the front-end design.
- Expand the back-end.
- Add more items and increase their diversity.
- Add user authentication.
- Implement a shopping cart functionality.
- Enable purchasing process.
- Eventually turn into a fully functional e-shop.