I'd like to simply get a list of all resources in my account, giving their ARN. As a JSON query this is non trivial and probably impossible to get right since AWS uses many different ways of giving the ARN (example, sometimes it's just a parameter on the resource ( ARN: "value"), sometimes it's a differently named parameter ( "DBClusterARN") and sometimes
I have a workaround; change into the json directory and run
cat *.json | tr '"' '\n' | grep '^arn:aws' | sort | sed 's/:\*$//' | uniq
I don't see this as fully reliable though, for example if there are references to ARNs in a different account they will turn up which may or may not be a good thing, if there are references to old ARNs that no longer exist, the same.
I think the fix is to have this as an option to aws_list_all. This could start by gathering the values of all parameters which match ^(ARN|[^ ]*Arn)
and then printing out the unique values but if AWS changed something might need updated.