FastFeet is a system for managing deliveries and all the things related, such as delivery mans, recipients and all the problems that could occur on a package delivery.
In there you can search for, list, edit, cancel, create and delete deliveries. You can perform all these operations on deliveryman and recipient records as well. It is a truly manager! 🌟
This project is the final challenge of the Rocketseat's GoStack bootcamp! 🚀
The FastFeet layout was based on this prototype. But it was implemented in a way that is fully responsive 📱 and accessible ♿️.
The following technologies were used to build this project:
- ReactJS - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Typescript - Open-source language which gives types to Javascript
- Redux - A Predictable State Container for JS Apps
- Redux-Saga - Redux middleware for making side effects
- Redux Persist - Easy Redux store persist and rehydration
- react-input-mask - Input masking component for React
- React-Select - Select control component for React
- react-modal - Accessible modal dialog component for React
- Styled Components - CSS in JS styling library for React
- styled-breakpoints - Simple and powerful tool for creating breakpoints in styled components and emotion.
- Formik - Form management library for React
- Yup - Dead simple Object schema validation
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- Prettier, ESLint and EditorConfig - For standardizing and formatting code
This project is divided on the following two repos:
💡You have to have the backend running to have a full experience on frontend.
Running this project requires a few programs that have to be installed on your computer:
# Clones the backend repo
$ git clone
# Changes directory to backend folder
$ cd fastfeet-backend
# Creates postgres docker container
$ docker run --name fastfeet -e POSTGRES_USER=fastfeet -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=fastfeet -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
# Installs dependencies
$ yarn
# Creates database migrations
$ yarn typeorm migration:run
# Creates database seeds
$ yarn seed:run
# Spins up the server on port 3333
$ yarn dev
# Clones the frontend repo
$ git clone
# Changes directory to frontend folder
$ cd fastfeet-frontend
# Installs dependencies
$ yarn
# Spins up the dev server on port 3000
$ yarn start
This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.
Carefully written by João Vítor Souto 🌊