This is a test implementation of BrAPI using nodeJS .
Routes are done through express
express-myconnection is used to connecto the the mysql database defined in the DBparams.
####No auth yet.* Needs https configuration as well OAuth 2.0 authentication provided by express-oauth-server Being implemented in branch: OAuth20 Auth will be done by creating RSA keys for the client and server authentications. After auth has been acheived a token will be generated from the private key to maintain the connection.
Default database scheme being used is fig. 1 while official db architecture isn't done.
Figure 1 - Database scheme being used for testing.##How to install
To install this use must have nodejs and npm installed on your system. Once you have nodejs and npm install simply clone this repro and run:
npm install
in the main directory.
Once all dependencies by nodejs have been installed you can start the server in dev mode by running, :
DEBUG=brapi:* npm start
To connecto the the mysql database you should set up the varibles:
- db_host
- db_user
- db_port
- db_password
- db_database in the env.process variable for connection to database.
To test that this is working you can try:
The first should get you a hello world The second extracts the data from investigation database where investigaionID is the varible in the url path
##Pagination (TODO)
If the response is a single record that doesn't require pagination, then the value for the "pagination" key is the javascript reserved word 'NULL'. When the results are paginated, the pagination object contains the keys "pageSize", "currentPage", "totalCount", "totalPages". The first page will be page 0 (zero).
##Specs to be implemented for studies