- Renames very fast .
- Support upto 4Gb files.
- Has metadata adding feature
- Permanent Thumbnail support.
- Force join for the user for use.
- Supports Broadcasts.
- Set custom caption.
- Has a custom Start-up pic.
- Force subscribe available.
- Supports ulimited renaming at a time.
- Supports group encoding (add bot to group and give all admin permission except remain anonymous)
Add in @BotFather
start - Check Bot is Working or not
variables for indirectly deployment.
- Api ID of Owner {get it from my.telegram.org.}TELEGRAM_API_HASH
- Api hash of Owner {get it from my.telegram.org.}OWNER_ID
- Put Id Of Auth Users with a space between it, Those are able to use bot.DATABASE_URL
- Put Mongo Db Url .LOG_CHANNEL
- Put Id Of Log Channel.FORCE_SUB
- Put Id Of Auth Channel/Group , Those are able to use bot.BOT_TOKEN
- Bot token, {get it from BotFather.}
CoDer LuFfy
Updates Channel
Support Group