Home Assistant Custom Component for Bosch Indego Lawn Mower.
Adding sensor for position of mower and services for display mower in map
Create in your Homeassistant directory /config/custom_components/indego_map
Copy the folder custom/components/indego_map
into your your Home Assistant /config/custom_components/indego_map
How to install: Tutorial
Reboot HA in order to get HA to find the newly added custom component.
Add the domain to your configuration.yaml. Username, password and id (serial) is mandatory. Name (default = Indego) and polling (default = false) is optional.
username: !secret indego_username
password: !secret indego_password
id: !secret indego_id
name: Indego
Add your credentials used with Bosch Mower app (mail address, password and mower serial number) to your secrets.yaml:
indego_username: "name@mail.com"
indego_password: "mysecretpw"
indego_id: "123456789"
For displaying map you will need AppDaemon and AppFramework. In AppFramework you will also find tutorial how to set up map in lovelace.
Base of component is copied from jm-73
Eduard Jumper78 dykandDK ultrasub Gnol86 naethan bekkm onkelfarmor ltjessem nsimb jjandersson Shamshala nath bekkm urbatecte
Inspiration from http://grauonline.de/wordpress/?page_id=219
Inspiration from https://github.com/jofleck/iot-device-bosch-indego-controller